CASA DI MAYA“Ancora una volta lui! Sempre e solo lui!”- sospirò Maya,  terjemahan - CASA DI MAYA“Ancora una volta lui! Sempre e solo lui!”- sospirò Maya,  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

CASA DI MAYA“Ancora una volta lui!


“Ancora una volta lui! Sempre e solo lui!”- sospirò Maya, vedendo Hijiri sostare di fronte la porta della loro abitazione, con un pacchetto scarlatto tra le mani.
“Cosa c’è Maya?”- le chiese Rei, incuriosita dal suo sbottare, puntando lo sguardo in direzione della visuale dell’amica. “Chi è quel bel ragazzo?”- aggiunse allora, vedendo per la prima volta in vita sua Hijiri.
Maya arrossì, e suo malgrado, fu costretta ad una spiegazione. “E’ l’assistente del mio benefattore, che volendo restare anonimo, si serve di lui, per comunicare con me…”.
“Non ho mai capito il motivo di tutta questa segretezza!”- sbottò Rei, guadagnando a piccoli passi l’entrata per accogliere l’inatteso ospite.
‘Il Presidente della Daito Art Production non può certo palesare l’interesse per il suo piccolo “uovo d’oro”! Diventerebbe lo zimbello di tutto l’ambiente!’- rifletté tra sé e sé Maya, sorridendo con tristezza.
Hijiri le fu di fronte, distogliendola da quel pensiero molesto,con la bella voce cristallina. “Un omaggio dal mio signore, per Lei, signorina Kitajima”.
Rei lo stava fissando incantata… Hiriji era uno dei ragazzi più carini e a modo che avesse mai visto: alto, elegante e dai modi impeccabili, si accompagnava ad una certa classe, nonché ad uno squisito profumo, che si era diffuso per il piccolo ambiente. Riavviandosi il lungo ciuffo che ne copriva parte del viso, il giovane rivelò occhi profondi ed un largo sorriso, che indirizzò su Maya, che però, scura in volto, non si era ancora decisa ad aprire il pacchetto che le aveva consegnato.
“Qualcosa non va?”- le chiese allora Hijiri, che Rei invitò con un cenno ad accomodarsi sul piccolo divano che sorgeva accanto la porta della cucina.
“Grazie signorina!”- disse lui sedendosi, imitato a sua volta da Maya, che con mani incerte e tremanti, iniziò finalmente a disfare la confezione del pacchetto.
“Spero saranno di suo gradimento”- la incalzò con ansia, vedendo con quale stupore ,la giovane stesse ammirando i due orecchini e l’anello a forma di rose scarlatte che l’astuccio conteneva.
“Noooo!!! Non posso accettarli!”- scattò in piedi come fulminata, allontanandosi dai preziosi, quasi scottassero al tatto.
Rei si intromise. “Perché ti comporti così Maya? Non è educato nei confronti di questo gentile signore che è venuto apposta per consegnarteli!”.
“So ciò che dico… fidati Rei! Non è il caso che io accetti un regalo così impegnativo! Chi mi dice che il mio benefattore non sia un uomo sposato, e che tutto questo non finirà con il diventare troppo compromettente per lui?”.
L’aveva detto. Ecco, finalmente ci era riuscita: ciò che rimuginava da tempo, sotto forma di mezza bugia, aveva preso corpo e anima, uscendole dalle labbra, come mezza verità! Masumi, a breve, sarebbe diventato il marito di Shiori, ed accettare regali, via via sempre più importanti, essendo a conoscenza della sua reale identità, avrebbe finito con il renderla complice di una situazione sconveniente e quanto mai ambigua. Qualcuno doveva mettere la parola fine a quell’intricato rapporto, e considerata la caparbia e per certi versi inspiegabile, insistenza di Masumi, era tempo che si desse lei la pena di risolvere quella questione una volta per tutte.
“Dica al suo Capo, che è tempo che si stacchi da me e continui la sua vita, a prescindere dai miei successi o dalle mie sconfitte… è giunta l’ora per me, di allontanarmi dalla sua ombra e camminare con le mie sole gambe lungo i sentieri della vita… Solo il cielo sa quanto mi costi prendere questa decisione, e quanto io l’ami e gli sia grata, per tutto quello che ha fatto per me, chiunque lui sia! Ma sarebbe altrettanto doloroso, continuare a vievre al buio, sognarlo e sapere che non lo vedrò mai, avere voglia di sentire la sua voce, e piegare il desiderio alla dura esigenza dietro cui si cela… Non ce la faccio più Hijiri, e se prova anche solo per un attimo a calarsi nei miei panni, non potrà che convenire con me e darmi ragione…”.
Dari: -
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
MAYA HOUSE"He once again! Always and only him! " -Maya sighed, seeing Hijiri stop in front of the door of their House, with a scarlet package in his hands."What's Maya?" -Rei churches, intrigued by his burst, focusing our gaze towards her friend's camera. "Who is that guy?" -added then, seeing for the first time in his life Hijiri.Maya blushed, and despite himself, was forced to explain. "It's my benefactor's Assistant, wanting to remain anonymous, you need him to talk to me. .."."I never understood the reason for all the secrecy!" -Rei snapped, gaining entry in small steps to accommodate the unexpected guest.' The President of Daito Art Production can not show interest in her little "golden egg"! Would become the laughing stock of the whole environment! ' -thought to himself, Maya, smiling sadly.Hijiri was the opposite, distogliendola by that thought, with beautiful clear voice. "A tribute to my Lord, to you, Miss Kitajima".REI the enchanted staring ... Hiriji was one of the nicest guys and so he had ever seen: tall, stylish and impeccable manners, she accompanied him to a certain class, and an exquisite scent, which had spread to the small environment. Without restarting the long tuft that covered part of the face, the young revealed deep eyes and a wide smile, who addressed about Maya, but in dark face, was still determined to open the package that had been delivered."Something wrong?" -the churches then, Rei Hijiri invited with a nod to sit on the small couch that stood beside the kitchen door."Thank you miss!" He said sitting, imitated in turn by Maya, who with hands trembling and uncertain, finally began to unpack the package."I hope it will be to your liking-pressed forward, seeing what amazement, the same young man admiring the two earrings and ring-shaped Scarlet roses that the box contained."Noooo!! I can't take this! " -snapped up as burned out and away from the precious, almost scottassero.REI intruded. "Why do you behave so Maya? It is not polite towards this gentleman who came on purpose to hand them over. ""I know what I say ... Trust Rei! This is not the case that I accept a gift so challenging! Who tells me that my benefactor is not a married man, and that all this will end up being not too incriminating to him? "Said. Behold, there was finally successful: what indignities by time, in the form of half-lie, had taken body and soul, uscendole, lips as half truth! Masumi, in short, would become the husband of Shiori, and accepting gifts, increasingly important, being aware of his real identity, he ended up making it an accessory to a situation inconvenient and very ambiguous. Someone had to put an end to that intricate relationship, and given the stubborn and somewhat inexplicable, Masumi's insistence, it was time that we gave her worth solving that issue once and for all."Tell your boss, it's time you disconnect from me and continue her life, apart from my success or my losses ... it is time for me to get away from his shadow and walk with my own legs along the paths of life. Heaven only knows how much it cost to make this decision, and how much I love her and be grateful for everything you've done for me, whoever he is! But it would be just as painful, continue to dream in the darkness vievre and know that I shall never see him, not wanting to hear his voice, and bend the desire the tough demands behind which lurks ... I can't do it anymore, and if test Hijiri even for just a moment to step into my shoes, will agree with me and give me reason ... ".
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
HOUSE OF MAYA "Again he! Always and only him! "- Maya sighed, seeing Hijiri stop in front of the door of their home, with a scarlet package in his hands. "What is Maya?" - asked Rei, intrigued by her blurt out, focusing his gaze in the direction of the visual friend. "Who is that handsome guy?" - Then added, seeing for the first time in his life Hijiri. Maya blushed, and against his will, was forced to explain. "And 'the assistant of my benefactor, who, wishing to remain anonymous, you need him to communicate with me ...". "I never understood the reason for all this secrecy!" - snapped Rei, gaining little by little l ' entry to accommodate the unexpected guest. 'The President of Daito Art Production certainly can not reveal the interest in his little "golden egg"! Would become the laughing stock of the whole room! '- Thought to himself Maya, smiling sadly. Hijiri was the opposite, turning them away from that thought disturbing, with beautiful crystalline voice. "A tribute to my master, for you, Miss Kitajima." Rei was staring spellbound ... Hiriji was one of the cutest guys and so he had ever seen: tall, elegant and impeccable manners, was accompanied by a certain class, and to an exquisite perfume, which had spread to the small room. Restarting the long forelock that covered part of his face, the young man turned out to deep eyes and a wide smile, who addressed on Maya, however, grim, had not yet decided to open the package that had given her. "Something are you? "- he asked then Hijiri, Rei invited with a nod to sit on the small couch that stood beside the kitchen door. "Thank you lady!" - he said, sitting down, imitated in turn by Maya, who with hands and uncertain trembling, finally began to unravel the package of the package. "I hope I will be to his liking" - the pressed forward, seeing how amazement, the young man was admiring the two earrings and the ring-shaped scarlet roses that the case contained . "Noooo !!! I can not accept them! "- Jumped as burned out, away from the precious, almost scottassero touch. Rei interjected. "Why are you acting like Maya? It's not polite towards this gentleman who came especially for consegnarteli! ". "I know what I say ... I trust Rei! It is not the case that I accept a gift so challenging! Who tells me that my benefactor is not a married man, and that all this will not end up being too compromising for him? ". He said it. Here, finally he had succeeded: this brooding for some time, in the form of half-lie, had taken body and soul, uscendole lips, as half-truth! Masumi, would shortly become the husband of Shiori, and accept gifts, gradually more and more important, to get to know his real identity, he ended up making it complicit in a situation unseemly and utterly ambiguous. Somebody had put an end to the intricate relationship, and considered the stubborn and somewhat inexplicable insistence Masumi, it was time to give her the money to settle the matter once and for all. "Talk to your head, that it is time that you fall away and continue her life, regardless of my success or my losses ... it is time for me to get away from his shadow and walk with my own legs along the paths of life ... Only Heaven knows what it costs me to make this decision, and how much I love her and be grateful for all he has done for me, whoever he is! But it would be just as painful, continue Vievre the dark, dream and know that they'll never see it, to want to hear his voice, and the desire to bend tough requirement behind which ... I can not do more Hijiri, and if test even for a moment to step into my shoes, will you agree with me and agree with me ... ".

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]

"once again him! Always and only him! '- sigh Maya, seeing Hijiri stand in front of the door of their home, with a scarlet package between the hands.
"What c is Maya? '- the churches Rei, intrigued by his laugh about, focusing the gaze in the direction of the line of sight of the friend. "Who is that beautiful boy' ", he added then, seeing for the first time in his life Hijiri.
Maya turned scarlet, and despite his, was forced to an explanation. "It is the assistant of my benefactor, that wanting to remain anonymous, it serves him, to communicate with me… " .
"i have never understood the reason for all this secrecy! '- out Rei, gaining a small steps the entrance to accommodate the unexpected guest.
"The President of the Daito Art Production can not reveal the interest in his small "egg d'oro"! Would become the laughing stock of the whole environment! '- reflects between if and if Maya, smiling with sadness.
Hijiri was faced, distogliendola from that thought harassing,with the beautiful voice crystalline. "A gift from my lord, for you, Miss Kitajima" .
Rei was enchanted by fixing… Hiriji was one of the guys prettiest and a way that he had ever seen: high, stylish and impeccable manners, was accompanied by a certain class, as well as a delicious perfume, which had spread to the small room. But it will restart the long tuft that covered part of the face, the young revealed deep eyes and a wide smile, that address on Maya,That, however, dark in the face, had not yet decided to open the package that had delivered.
"Something is wrong' "- the churches then Hijiri, that Rei invitation with a nod to sit down on the small sofa which stood beside the door to the kitchen.
"Thanks miss! "- he said sitting down, imitated in turn by Maya, that with hands uncertain and quivering,Finally started to unpack the package of the package.
"I hope will be to his liking"- the incalzo with anxiety, seeing with what wonder ,the couple same admiring the two earrings and ring in the shape of roses Alye Parusa that the carton contained.
"Noooo! I cannot accept them! '- snap-in feet as blown away by the precious, almost scottassero to touch.
Rei intruded.Wherefore dealest thou thus Maya? Is Not polite to this friendly lord who came especially for consegnarteli! " .
"I know what i say… trust Rei! Is not the case that I accept a gift so demanding! Anyone who tells me that my benefactor is not a married man, is that all this won't end with the become too compromising for him. " .
L had said. Behold,Finally there was successful: what indignities he for a long time, in the form of half lie, had taken body and soul, uscendole from the lips, as half of the truth! Masumi, in short, it would become the husband of by T. Shiori, and accept gifts, becoming increasingly more important, being aware of his real identity,Would have ended up with the make it an accomplice of a inconvenient situation is what never ambiguous. Someone had to put the word end at the intricate relationship, is considered to be the persistent and in some respects inexplicable, insistence of Masumi, it was time for you to give you the death penalty to resolve the issue once and for all.
"Tell your Chief,That it is time for it to come off to me and it continues its life, regardless of my successes or from my defeats… and the time has come for me to deviate from his shadow, and walk with my own legs along the paths of life… Only heaven knows what costs me take this decision, and that i have the ami and the grateful, for everything he has done for me, whoever he is!But it would be equally painful, continue to vievre in the dark, dream about it and to know that never see it, have the desire to hear his voice, and bend the desire the harsh need behind which lurks… i can't stand it any more Hijiri, and if test even just for a moment to dive into my shoes, could not but agree with me and give me reason… ".
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