Maya stava leggendo questa poesia in aerea,pensando a quanto queste pa terjemahan - Maya stava leggendo questa poesia in aerea,pensando a quanto queste pa Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Maya stava leggendo questa poesia i

Maya stava leggendo questa poesia in aerea,pensando a quanto queste parole rispecchiassero il suo amore. Si trovava in aereo con suo figlio,un figlio avuto con il suo grande amore:Masumi,lui neanche sapeva della sua esistenza,si fermò a guardare il figlio:quanto somigliava al padre...lo stesso sguardo,gli stessi occhi.lo stesso sorriso enigmatico....pensando a lui non potè che uscire una lacrima furtiva dai suoi occhi.3lunghi anni erano passati,da quella notte,da quella magica notte:finalmente si erano potuti incontrare a Izu,nella sua casa,Maya e Masumi,due anime ed un solo cuore. Quella sera tutti i dubbi,incomprensioni e incertezze erano stati chiariti. Si erano detti tutto dalla storia dell' ammiratore fino al giorno dell'invito a Izu,tutti i sentimenti,parole dette e non. Ora seduti sulla terrazza,guardavano le stelle,per fortuna il cielo era sereno,la luna splendeva e le stelle splendevano come i diamanti.
Mas”Maya,com'è bello stare qui con te questa sera,guarda-indicando con un dito verso il cielo-le vedi come sono luminose quelle stelle e per fortuna la stella più bella ce l'ho qui,accanto a me,amore mio,non sai quanto mi sei mancata.-e la strinse a se in un abbraccio molto protettivo;Maya si godeva quell' abbraccio:sentiva il petto muscoloso di Masumi attraverso la stoffa della sua camicia,sentiva il suo cuore battere forte,si sentiva al sicuro, a casa. Si sciolsero da quell' abbraccio,Maya notò gli occhi del suo amato:lucenti,pieni di vita,lo sguardo era rilassato come se avesse raggiunto un traguardo e si stesse godendo il premio,i capelli mossi dal vento rendevano ancora più sexy il suo sguardo.... già sexy,Masumi era davvero un bell' uomo,questo lo doveva ammettere. Le labbra sottili aperte in un leggero sorriso.
Anche Masumi notò studiò attentamente:doveva ammettere che era davvero cresciuta:aveva acquistato qualche centimetro,che aveva fatto abbellire le sue belle gambe,un seno pieno e alto,dei bei fianchi....andava orgoglioso della donna che aveva. Intanto che l' uomo stava guardando il suo amore,il vento si era alzato,anche i capelli di Maya si erano alzati,mostrando il castano dei suoi capelli e la sua poteva essere creatura più bella di quella???-pensò Masumi-no non poteva esserci.
Mas”Maya rientriamo che fa freddo”
May”Va bene amore,rientriamo”-dopo un po' Maya si accorse di ciò che aveva detto,non ci aveva neanche pensato,le era venuto spontaneo chiamare Masumi amore;divenne rossa,mentre Masumi,beato da ciò che aveva sentito le accarezzò una guancia. Dopo essere rientrati si misero a sedere sul divano abbracciati a vedere un film come una normale coppia,nonostante fosse già notte fonda. Masumi all' inizio mise una mano intorno alle spalle di Maya,mentre lei gli mette una mano nel petto,cominciandolo ad accarezzare.Masumi si beava di quelle carezze,finchè Maya,meravigliandosi anche di se stessa mise una mano nel cavallo dei pantaloni del sua amato facendolo di eccitazione e di meraviglia. Masumi aveva sbarrato gli occhi e nelle sue labbra si era aperto un sorriso,non credeva che la sua Maya fosse così audace. Quella notte fu magica:Maya e Masumi si concessero l'una verso l'altra,amandosi più volte fino a raggiungere il più sublime dei piaceri.
Peccato che da quella notte tutto è cambiato,fino a diventare insopportabile per Maya. Dopo la notte erano ritornati a Tokyo,dove avevano ripreso il loro lavoro,Masumi le aveva promesso che fino alla rappresentazione non potevano dire che stavano insieme,e per questo si erano visti di nascosto,tutto questo finchè una sera non ci fù un parti promozionale della dea scarlatta.

Poesie di JACQUES PREVERT.....aspetto recensioni,ringrazio Oscar77 che mi ha dato lo spunto per questa ff...spero che non se la prenda..un bacio
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Maya was reading this poem in the sky, thinking about how these words reflect his love. Was on the plane with his son, had a son with his great love: Masumi, he even knew of its existence, stopped to watch her son: how much resembled the father ... the same eyes, the same eyes. the same enigmatic smile ... thinking that he could not leave a tear from his eyes furtive. 3lunghi years had passed, that night, that magical night : finally had met in Izu, home or Maya and Masumi, two souls and one heart. That evening all doubts, misunderstandings and uncertainty had been clarified. They were called everything from the history of fan until the day on which the invitation to Izu, all feelings, words spoken or not. Now sitting on the deck, watched the stars, luckily the sky was clear, the Moon shone and the stars shone like diamonds.MAS "Maya, it is nice to be here with you tonight, watch-pointing a finger towards the sky-see how bright those stars and fortunately the beautiful star I have here, next to me, my love, you don't know how much I've missed-and squeezed in if a hug very protective; Maya you enjoyed that embrace: felt the muscular chest by Masumi through the fabric of his shirt, he felt his heart pounding, he felt safe, at home. Broke from that embrace, Maya noticed the eyes of his beloved: shining, full of life, the look was as relaxed as if he had reached a milestone and you were enjoying the prize, her hair blowing in the wind made it even hotter her eyes .... already sexy, Masumi was a really nice man, I had to admit. Thin lips opened in a slight smile.Masumi noted also studied carefully: he had to admit it was really grew: he had bought a few centimetres, which had made her embellish beautiful legs, a full breasts and tall, beautiful hips .... was proud of the woman he had. While the man was watching his love, the wind had raised, Maya hair you were raised, showing off her hair brown and luster. creature could be more beautiful than that??? -thought Masumi no couldn't be there.MAS "Maya fall it's cold"May "Okay love, bring it"-after a little Maya noticed what he had said, there had even thought, had come spontaneously call Masumi love; became Red, while Masumi, blessed by what he had heard stroked her cheek. After having returned they embraced sit on the sofa to watch a movie like a normal couple, although it was already night. Masumi earlier put a hand around the shoulders of Maya, while she puts a hand on his chest, stroking cominciandolo. Masumi you basked those caresses, as long as Maya, also marveling herself put a hand in the crotch of his loved doing it with excitement and wonder. Masumi had crossed eyes and his lips had opened a smile, did not believe that its Maya was so bold. That night was magical: Masumi and Maya is granted towards each other, loving each other repeatedly until you reach the more sublime pleasures.Pity that from that night everything changed, until it became unbearable for Maya. After the night had returned to Tokyo, where they resumed their work, Masumi had promised that up to the representation could not say that they were together, and for this they had seen, all this until one evening there was a promotional parts of the Crimson goddess.JACQUES PREVERT's poems ... look, I thank Oscar77 reviews that gave me the inspiration for this ff ... I hope you don't take ... One kiss
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Maya was reading this poem in the air, thinking how these words would reflect his love. He was on the plane with his son, had a son with her ​​great love: Masumi, he did not even know of its existence, he stopped to look at his son: what resembled the father ... the same look, the same occhi.lo same enigmatic smile .... thinking he could only get out a furtive tear from his occhi.3lunghi years had passed since that night, from that magical night: finally were able to meet in Izu, at his home, Maya and Masumi, two souls and one heart. That night all doubts, misunderstandings and uncertainties had been cleared. They said everything from the history of 'admirer until the day of the call Izu, all feelings, words spoken and not. Now sitting on the terrace, watching the stars, fortunately the sky was clear, the moon was shining and the stars shone like diamonds.
Mas "Maya, it is good to be here with you this evening, look-pointing with a finger at the sky-you see how bright those stars and thankfully the beautiful star I have it here, next to me, my love, you do not know how much I've mancata.-and squeezed in if in an embrace very protective; Maya enjoyed that 'hug he felt the muscular chest of Masumi through the fabric of his shirt, he felt his heart beat faster, he felt safe, at home. Broke from that 'hug, Maya saw the eyes of his beloved: bright, full of life, the look was relaxed as if he had reached a milestone and was enjoying the prize, his hair blowing in the wind made ​​her look even sexier .... already sexy, Masumi was really a bell 'man, that I had to admit. Thin lips opened into a slight smile.
Even Masumi noticed studied carefully: he had to admit that was really grown up: he had bought a few centimeters, which had beautify her beautiful legs, full breasts and a high, beautiful hips .. ..andava proud woman who had. Meanwhile, that 'man was watching his love, the wind had picked up, the hair of Maya had risen, showing the brown of his hair and its luster .... there could be more beautiful than that creature ?? ? -I think Masumi-there could be no.
Mas "Maya we return it gets cold"
May "Okay love, we return" -after a bit 'Maya realized what he had said, he had not even thought about it, it occurred spontaneously Masumi call love, turned red, while Masumi, blessed by what he had heard stroked his cheek. After returning they sat on the couch embraced to a movie as a normal couple, although it was already night. Masumi to 'start put his hand around the back of Maya, as she puts a hand in the chest, beginning it with accarezzare.Masumi basked of those caresses, until Maya, also marveling at herself put his hand in the crotch of his He loved doing it with excitement and wonder. Masumi had crossed eyes and his lips had opened a smile, did not believe that his Maya was so bold. That night was magical: Maya and Masumi allowed themselves toward each other, loving each other several times until you reach the most sublime pleasures.
Too bad that night everything changed, until it became unbearable for Maya. After the night had returned to Tokyo, where they resumed their work, Masumi had promised that until the representation could not say that they were together, and for this they had met secretly, all this until one evening there was a party promotion Goddess scarlet. Poems JACQUES PREVERT ..... aspect reviews, thank Oscar77 that gave me the idea for this ff ... I hope that he did not kiss prenda..un

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Maya was reading this poem in air,thinking how these words reflect his love. It was on a plane with his son, a son she had with her great love:Masumi,he even knew of its existence,stopped to watch the son:what resembled the father ... the same eyes, the same same occhi.lo enigmatic smile ....Thinking of him could not but leave a stealthy tear from its occhi.3lunghi years had passed, from that night,from that magical night:finally were able to meet to Izu,in his house,Maya and Masumi,two souls and one heart. That evening all the doubts,misunderstandings and uncertainties were clarified. They had said the story of the admirer until the day of the invitation to Izu,All feelings,words said and not. Now sitting on the terrace, looked at the stars,fortunately, the sky was clear, the moon was shining and the stars were as diamonds.
Mas"Maya,as it is nice to stay here with you this evening,watch-indicating with a finger to the sky-the see as are bright those stars and fortunately the star most beautiful i have it here,beside me,my love,You don't know how much i miss you. -and embraced him in a hug very protective;Maya you enjoyed that embrace:felt the muscular chest of Masumi through the fabric of his jacket,felt that his heart beating strong,it felt safe, at home. Were loosed from that embrace,Maya known the eyes of his beloved:shiny,full of life,His gaze was relaxed as if it had reached a goal, and they were enjoying the prize,hair moved by the wind made it even more sexy his gaze .... already sexy,Masumi was really a nice man,this was to admit. Thin lips open in a slight smile.
also known Masumi study carefully:had to admit that was really grown:He had bought a few centimetres,who had done embellish her nice legs,a breast full and high,the beautiful sides .... was proud of the woman who had. Meanwhile that the man was watching his love,the wind he raised,even the hairs of the Maya were raised,showing the castano of his hair and its gloss .... there might be a creature more beautiful than that?-I think Masumi-no there could be no.
Mas"Maya qualify it's cold"
May'Be good love,qualify" -after a little Maya saw what he had said, there had not even thought,the came spontaneously call Masumi love;became red,while Masumi,blessed by what he had heard the cherished a cheek.After they have returned and they sit on the sofa embraced to see a movie as a normal pair,even though it was already night. Masumi at the beginning he put a hand around behind Maya,while she puts a hand in the chest,cominciandolo to accarezzare.masumi you beava those caresses,until Maya,Wondering also if same he put a hand in the horse of the trousers of the his beloved making it exciting and wonder. Masumi had crossed eyes, and in his lips had opened a smile,not believed that its Maya was so daring. That night was magical:Maya and Masumi it gave toward one another,convenant several times to reach the most sublime pleasures.
Pity that from that night, everything has changed,until they become unbearable for Maya. After the night had come back to Tokyo,where they had taken up their work,Masumi had promised that up to the representation could not say that they were together,and for this they had visas of hidden,all this until one evening there was not a promotional parties of the goddess scarlet.

Poems by JACQUES PRÉVERT ..... aspect reviews,thank you Oscar77 that gave me the idea for this ff. ..I hope that will not take..a kiss
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