Erano le dieci di sera quando Masumi uscì da caso Takimaya era stanco  terjemahan - Erano le dieci di sera quando Masumi uscì da caso Takimaya era stanco  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Erano le dieci di sera quando Masum

Erano le dieci di sera quando Masumi uscì da caso Takimaya era stanco stranito,tutto si aspettava tranne quello. Era entrato nel consiglio d 'amministrazione dell 'impero Takimaya, non ci poteva credere. Il telefono squillo era Hijiri"Capo l 'appuntamento di Maya era con uno stilista. Ha provato abiti fino a cinque minuti fa. "Masumi restò a bocca aperta "Come uno stilista che ci faceva Maya da uno stilista? "Mettendosi in auto "Quando è scesa dalla 'atelier mi sono fatto trovare fuori e lei mi ha detto di ringrazziarla per la bellissima sorpresa. "Hijiri guardava Maya salire le scale con Io pacchi dei vestiti che Aio le aveva regalato. "Mi creda era raggiante "Masumi era pensieroso poi"Ho bisogno di una birra ed di parlare con qualcuno ti aspetto al Blu Moon"Hijiri capi lo sconcerto di Masumi ed era arrivato il punto di spingerlo a Nagano,avvio l 'auto e si diresse al locale dove Masumi lo aspettava. "Signorina Shiori ho parlato con mio nipote. E ha detto che due milioni di yen farà il lavoro"la informo la tata Shiori era seduta sul divano in camera sua intenta a sfogliare una rivista di abiti da sposa"Benissimo di gli che per me va bene e che lo ve fare subito"poi come se nulla fosse"Tata guarda questo vestito che dici sarebbe adatto a me? "La tata le si avvicinò guardando il vestito"Signorina quello spacco è troppo profondo non si ad dice ad una donna di classe come lei" e riserva entrambe. Il giorno dopo Masumi arrivo in ufficio e trovó ad attenderlo Gin seduto sul divano nel suo Ufficio che sorseggiava una tazza di caffè. Quando Masumi lo vide "Salve Gin che ci fai qui e alto questi 'ora poi"disse pos andò la ventiquattrore sulla scrivania e andando a salutare il suo amico"Il vento dei cambiamenti mi porta qui. "Disse l'uomo abbraciando l 'amico"Cambiamenti quali cambiamenti"osservo Masumi, l 'uomo sorrise "Sono venuto a porgere i miei saluti al nuovo presidente esecutivo dell 'impero Daito "gli strinse la mano ed fece un reverenziale inchino. "Se ubriaco di prima mattina Gin? "l'uomo sorrise "No ma il consiglio si è riunito ieri mattina e di comune accordo è stato deciso che da oggi tu solo rappresenti tutto il consiglio d 'amministrazione con il 65% delle azioni .Sei il nuovo presidente della Daito e hai potere decisionale assoluto. In parole povere tuo padre è stato tagliato fuori dai giochi e se decidesse di diseredati lo faccia pure ma tu sarai sempre al capo della Daito con il cinquantuno per cento delle azioni"Masumi si lasciò scivolare sulla poltrona "Ma come quando perché "guardando l 'amico l 'uomo gli verso una tazza di caffè"La polizia sta indagando su tuo padre per alcuni contatti con famiglie poco raccomandabili. Cosa da niente ma ha messo in agitazione il consiglio cosi di è deciso di mettere te a capo di tutto. " si sedette di nuovo sul divano "Ed ora parlami di questa ragazzina che ti ha rubato il cuore"Masumi era interdetto"Ma come fai a sapere di Maya"Gin rise"Mio caro nella tua vita hai seminato bene ed oggi raccogli i frutti di anni di amicizia sincera. Hijiri mi ha chiamato dicendomi tutto.E siccome anche io ho un debito con te ho voluto avere la mia parte. A me mi è tocca il consiglio d 'amministrazione e fra un pó tuo padre. " concluse Gin alzando si era dirigendosi all 'uscita ,lasciando un Masumi basito.Quando chiuse la porta trovo Mizuchi alla sua scrivania "Non gli passi telefonate almeno per un ora poi continiui con il piano. Domani sera saremo a cena insieme non lo dimentichi"fece l 'occhiolino alla segretaria ed uscì. Maya era intenta a provare quando vide Hijiri in platea appena finì. La scena si diresse verso di lui "Hijiri che piacere vederla"Hijiri le porse un mazzo di rose scarlatte"Vorrei parlare un pó con lei. Può chiedere al regista di darle un ora di libertà? "Maya era un po curiosa "Si ora vado a chiderlo. Mi aspetti qui. "Dopo pochi minuti maya torno con il cappotto "Sono pronta andiamo"Hijiri sorrise porgendole il braccio, insieme si avviarono verso il caffè vicino dove ordinarono e si se dettero in un angli un pó nascosto"Signorina lei sa che è il nostro amico vero? "Maya abasso lo sguardo "Si so chi è"hijiri chiuse un attimo gli occhi"perfavore mi dica il suo nome"Maya prese un respiro profondo "Masumi Hayami"Hijiri sorrise "per favore mi dica cosa prova per lui" lei lo guardó ma non capiva cosa volesse, ma decise di dirgli tutto"Prima di dirle ciò che provo per lui devo dirle quando ho scoperto chi era. La sera della premiazione di lande dimenticate lei mi consegno il solito fascio di rose all 'interno vi era un biglietto lui si complimenta va con me per la vittoria e per l 'interpretazione e nomina va un foulard azzurro. Quel foulard fu usato solo la sera della prima quando in teatro vi era solo uno spettatore. Quello spettatore aveva sfidato un tifone per vedermi. Quella sera la sera del tifone si misero in ordine alcuni pezzi della mia vita. Mi guardai indietro e lungo il mio cammino vidi lui. Anche se gli ho urlato odio e disprezzo lui era al mio fianco. Capi quel sentimento di possesso che mi stringeva il cuore quando seppi che si era fidanzato, ed ogni volta che lo vedevo insieme a lei io soffriva. Come ammiratore è stato sempre dolce devo andare lui se ho studiato se sono riuscita ad arrivare a questo punto, ma è stato come Masumi che mi ha incoraggiato istigato a dare il meglio. "Hijiri l'ascoltava in silenzio"Anche se so che per lui io non sono adatta non sono elegante raffinata e bella, io sono solo io vestiti eleganti o gioielli non potranno mai farmi apparire bella ai suoi occhi. "Una lacrima scese dai suoi occhi"Io lo amo come Masumi, l 'uomo che mi ha tenuto stretta nel tempio l 'uomo che sul ponte dell 'Astoria mi chiesto di aspettare. Anche se so che per lui io sono una ragazzina lo amo. Questo è quello che provo per lui. Questo mio amore è senza speranza lo so ma almeno il suo viso lo porterò sempre con me io lo amerò ogni volta che amerò sul palco ogni volta le mie parole d'amore saranno rivolte a lui. "Ora il suo viso era rigato dalle lacrime Hijiri le passò un fazzolettino.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
It was ten o'clock at night when Masumi came out of Takimaya case was tired, dazed everything except what was expected. He had joined the Board of Directors of the Takimaya Empire, could not believe. The phone was ringing Hijiri "the appointment of Chief Maya was with a stylist. He tried until five minutes ago. "Masumi remained open-mouthed" As a designer there was Maya from a designer? " By car "When it dropped from the ' atelier I did find out and she told me to ringrazziarla for the wonderful surprise." Hijiri watched Maya climb stairs with bundles of clothes that Aio had given her. "Believe me was radiant" Masumi was thoughtful then "I need a beer and to talk to someone you'll look at Blu Moon" Hijiri heads the bewilderment of Masumi and it got the push point in Nagano, start the car and headed to the place where Masumi awaited him. "Miss Shiori I talked to my nephew. It said two million yen will do the job "inform the nanny Shiori was sitting on the couch in his room while flipping through a magazine" wedding dresses exactly the that's fine by me and that I do now "as if nothing had happened" Tata live this dress you say would suit me? "The nanny came up watching" Miss dress that is slit too deep not to tell a classy woman like her "and reserve both. The day after arrival into the Office and Masumi found waiting for Gin sitting on the couch in his Office who was sipping a cup of coffee. When Masumi saw Gin, "Hello, what are you doing here and these ' high now then," said pos went the Briefcase on the desk and going to greet his friend "the wind of change brings me here. "Said the man abbraciando the friend" what changes Changes "I observe Masumi, the man smiled" I came to pay my respects to the new Executive Chairman of Imperial Daito "squeezed his hand and made a reverential bow." If early morning drunk Gin? "the man smiled" No but the Council met yesterday morning and by mutual agreement, it was decided that from today you just epitomizes the Council d ' administration with 65% of the shares. Are the new President of Daito and have decision-making power. In other words, your father was cut out of the picture and if you decide to do well as underdogs but you will always be at the head of Daito with 51 percent of the shares "Masumi let slip on the Chair" But how when why "looking the man the friend to a cup of coffee" police are investigating your father for some contacts with disreputable families. Nothing but brought the agitation to Council is decided to put you in charge. "he sat back on the couch" and now tell me about this little girl who stole your heart "Masumi was banned" But how do you know Maya "Gin" rise my darling in your life you have sown well and now reap the benefits of years of sincere friendship. Hijiri called me telling me everything. And since I also owe you I wanted to have my share. I was touching the Board and administration between a little your father. "Gin raising had headed to the exit, leaving a Masumi thrilled. When closed the door I find Mizuchi at his desk passes calls him "at least for one hour then continiui with the plan. Tomorrow night we'll be at dinner don't forget "the wink to the Secretary and went out. Maya was intent on trying when he saw in the audience just Hijiri ended. The scene is directed toward him, "good to see you" Hijiri Hijiri handed her a bouquet of Red Roses "I would like to talk a bit with her. May ask the Director to give an hour of freedom? "Maya was a little curious" now I go to chiderlo. Wait for me here. "After a few minutes I'll be back with the maya" coat Are ready come on "Hijiri smiled handing her his arm, together they went on to the nearby Café where ordered and if they gave in a somewhat hidden angles" Miss you know he is our true friend? "Maya" gaze lowered his blood You know who is "hijiri locked eyes for a moment" Please tell me your name "Maya took a deep breath" Masumi Hayami "Hijiri smiled," Please tell me your feelings for him "she guardó but didn't understand what he wanted, but he decided to tell him everything" Before telling her what I feel for him I must say when I found out who she was. On the evening of the ceremony of lande forget she I commend usually bundle of roses inside there was a ticket he goes with me compliments for the victory and for the interpretation and appointment goes blue scarf. That scarf was used only in the evening of the first when in the theater there was only a spectator. One spectator had challenged a typhoon to see me. That night on the evening of the Typhoon began to order some pieces of my life. I looked back and along the way I saw him. Although I screamed he was contempt and hate at my side. Heads that feeling of possession that I clutched my heart when I heard that you were engaged, and whenever I saw her I was suffering. As admirer was always sweet I must go to him if I investigated whether I was able to get to this point, but it was like Masumi who encouraged me instigated to do your best. "The Hijiri listened in silence" Although I know that I am not fit are not elegant, refined and beautiful, I'm just me stylish clothes or jewelry can never make me look beautiful in his eyes. "A tear fell from his eyes" I love him like Masumi, the men who held me tight in the temple the man on the bridge of the Astoria asked me to wait. Although I know that I am a girl in love with him. This is what I feel for him. This my love is hopeless I know but at least her face I will always carry with me I will love him whenever Amero on stage every time my words of love will target him. "Now her face was streaked with tears the Hijiri passed a tissue.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
It was ten o'clock in the evening when he came out of Masumi case Takimaya was tired dazed, everything except what was expected. Had joined the board 's administration of' empire Takimaya, he could not believe it. The phone was ringing Hijiri "Chief 's appointment of Maya was with a stylist. She tried Dresses until five minutes ago." Masumi gasped "As a designer who made us to be a fashion designer Maya?" Getting to his car "When dropped from 'atelier I did find out and she told me to ringrazziarla for wonderful surprise. "Hijiri Maya looked up the stairs with bundles of clothes that I had given Aio. "Believe me was beaming" Masumi was thoughtful then "I need a beer and talk with someone you look at the Blue Moon" Hijiri heads the bewilderment of Masumi and had reached the point of pushing in Nagano, start the 'car and headed the place where Masumi was waiting. "Miss Shiori I talked to my nephew. And he said that two million yen will do the job," I wish to inform the nanny Shiori was sitting on the couch in her room busy flipping through a magazine of wedding dresses "Very well of him that to me is well and that I do now, "then as if nothing had happened" Tata looks this dress would suit you say to me? "Nanny approached looking dress" Miss that gap is too deep not to say to a woman of class like her "and reserve both. The next day Masumi arrive at the office and found waiting for Gin sitting on the couch in his office sipping a cup of coffee. When Masumi saw "Gin Hi what are you doing here, and these high 'now then," said Pos went the briefcase on the desk and going to greet his friend "The wind of change brings me here." The man said abbraciando the' friend "Changes such changes" look Masumi, the 'man smiled, "I came to offer my greetings to the new executive chairman of' empire Daito" shook his hand and made a reverential bow. "If drunk early morning Gin?" The man smiled, "No, but the board met yesterday morning and by mutual agreement it was decided that from now you only represent the entire council d 'administration with 65% of the shares .Six the new president of Daito and have decision-making power absolute. Simply put your father was cut out of the game and if it decides to dispossessed him do so but you'll always be at the head of Daito with fifty percent of the shares "Masumi slid the chair "But as for when" looking at the 'friend' s the man to a cup of coffee "Police are investigating your father for some contacts with families disreputable. What to nothing but has unsettled the advice of so is decided to put you in charge of everything. "sat back on the couch" And now tell me about this girl who stole your heart "Masumi was dumbfounded" But how do you know of Maya "Gin laughed," My dear in your life you sow good today and collect the fruits of years of sincere friendship. Hijiri called me telling me tutto.E because even I owe you I wanted to have my share. To me it touches the board 's administration and a little bit between your father. "Concluded Gin raising was heading to 'output, leaving a Masumi basito.Quando closed the door I find Mizuchi at his desk" Not the least distance phone calls for an hour then continiui with the plan. Tomorrow night we will have dinner together not forget it "made the 'wink to the secretary and went out. Maya was busy trying Hijiri when he saw in the audience just ended. The scene came toward him" Hijiri good to see "Hijiri handed her a bouquet of scarlet roses "I want to talk a bit with her. He may request the director to give her an hour of freedom? "Maya was a little curious" We now go to chiderlo. Wait here. "After a few minutes maya back with his coat" I'm ready go "Hijiri smiled handing her arm, they walked together to the cafe near where they ordered, and if they gave you a little bit hidden in a Angles" Miss you know that is our true friend? "Maya abasso gaze" You know who is "Hijiri closed her eyes briefly," please let me say his name "Maya took a deep breath" Masumi Hayami "Hijiri smiled," Please tell me how he feels about him, "she looked at him but did not understand what he wanted, but he decided to tell him everything "before telling her what I feel for him, I must say when I found out who it was. On the evening of the award of lands forget her I commend usual bundle of roses to 'inside there was a note he compliments go with me for the victory and for the' interpretation and appointment is a blue scarf. That scarf was used only on the first night in the theater when I was just a spectator. One viewer had defied a typhoon to see me. That evening the night of the typhoon began to order some pieces of my life. I looked back and I saw him from my path. Although I yelled hatred and contempt he was at my side. Heads that feeling of possession that gripped my heart when I heard that he had become engaged, and every time I saw him I was suffering with her. How admirer was always sweet I go if I have studied him if I managed to get this far, but it was like Masumi who encouraged me instigated to give their best. "Hijiri listened in silence" Although I know that I'm not suited for him are not elegant refined and beautiful, I'm just me fancy clothes or jewelry can never make me look beautiful in his eyes. "A tear fell from his eyes," I love him as Masumi, the 'man who kept me close in the temple the' man on the deck of the 'Astoria asked me to wait. Although I know that for him I am a girl I love. This is what I feel for him. My love is hopeless but at least I know his face will always carry it with me every time that I will love him love on stage every time my words of love will be addressed to him. "Now her face was streaked with tears Hijiri handed her a tissue.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
It was ten in the evening when Masumi went out from case Takimaya was tired dazed,everything is expected except that. He entered the council of administration of 'empire Takimaya, there could not believe. The phone rang it was Hijiri"Chapter l 'appointment of Maya was with a stylist. Tried dresses up to five minutes ago."Masumi rest with its mouth open "as a stylist that made us Maya from a stylist? "Putting herself in the car "When dropped from the 'atelier i have been found out and she said to me of ringrazziarla for the beautiful surprise. "Hijiri Maya looked up the stairs with Io parcels of clothing that Aio had gifted."I believe it was radiant "Masumi was pensive then,I need a beer and to talk to someone waiting for you at Blue Moon"Hijiri heads bewildered Masumi and had arrived on the point of pushing it to Nagano,starting car and headed to the room where Masumi he waited. "Miss by T. Shiori i spoke with my nephew.And he said that two million yen will do the job.i would like to tell you the tata by T. Shiori was sitting on the sofa in the room its intent to browse a magazine of wedding dresses"well that the fine for me and that the ve do now" then as if nothing had happened" Tata watch this dress that you say would be suitable for me?"The tata the approached looking dress" miss the chopping and too deep is not to say to a woman of class as you are" and reserve both. The day after Masumi arrival in the office and I find it much more receptive Gin seated on the sofa in his office that walled a cup of coffee.When Masumi saw him "Hello Gin that you get here is high these 'now then'said pos went the briefcase on the desk and going to greet his friend "The winds of change brings me here. "He said unto the man abbraciando l 'friend'changes such as changes" Masumi was observed.L 'man smiled "I have come to convey my greetings to the new executive chairman of 'empire Daito "she squeezed his hand and he did a reverential bow. "If drunk first thing in the morning Gin? The man smiled at her "No, but the Council has met yesterday morning and by common agreement it was decided that from today you only represents everything the council of administration with the 65% of the shares.You're the new president of the Daito and you decision-making power absolute.In other words your father was cut out of the game and if you decide to dispossessed the face also but thou shalt be always up to the head of the Daito with the fifty-one per cent of the shares"Masumi it let slip onto the chair "But as when because "looking to the 'friend l 'man toward a cup of coffee.The police are still investigating on your father for some contacts with families disreputable.What do nothing but put in stirring the council so and decided to put you at the head of everything. " He sat down again on the sofa "And now tell me about this young girl that you stole my heart"Masumi was interdicted"But how do you know of the Maya"Gin laughed "My dear in your life, you sowed good today and enjoy the fruits of years of sincere friendship. Hijiri has called me telling me everything.And since I too have a debt with you i've wanted to have my part. Me and touches the council of administration and between a little thy father. " Concluded Gin by raising it was heading to the output ,leaving a Masumi basito.quando closed the door i find Mizuchi to her desk "Not the steps calls for at least an hour then continiui with the plan.Tomorrow evening we will be having dinner together won't forget" did the 'wink to the secretary and went out. Maya was intent on proving when saw Hijiri stalls just purposes. The scene is headed toward him "Hijiri that pleasure to see you"Hijiri the curds a bouquet of roses Alye Parusa"I would like to talk a little with her. May ask the director to give you an hour of freedom?"Maya was a little curious "Yes i'm going to chiderlo. Wait for me here. "After a few minutes maya returned with the coat "are ready let's go"Hijiri smiled wishing the arm, together they went to the cafe near where ordered and if breathed in a angli hid a bit.miss you know that it is our true friend?"Maya alow-gaze "Yes i know who is" hijiri closed my eyes for a moment.Please tell me his name.Maya took a deep breath "Masumi Hayami"Hijiri smiled "please tell me about what trial for him" she looked at him but didn't understand what he wanted, but he decided to tell everyone "First to tell you what i feel for him i have to say when i discovered who he was.The evening of the awards ceremony of lande forget you i gave him the usual bundle of roses inside there was a ticket he congratulates goes with me for the victory and for interpretation and appointment must be a blue scarf. That scarf was used only in the evening of the first when in the theater there was only a spectator. The spectator had challenged a typhoon to see me.That night the evening of the typhoon is miserable in order some pieces of my life. I looked back and along my journey I saw him. Even if i yelled hatred and contempt he was at my side. Heads that feeling of possession that i was shaking the heart when i knew that it was her boyfriend, and every time i saw him together with her i was suffering.As an admirer was always sweet i have to go him if i studied if they are failed to arrive at this point, but it was like Masumi that encouraged me incited to give the best. "Hijiri who listened in silence"even if I know that for him i am not fit are not elegant refined and beautiful, i am just me elegant clothes or jewelry will never make me look beautiful in his eyes."A tear fell from his eyes.I love him as Masumi, l 'man that kept me close in the temple the 'man on the bridge of 'Astoria i asked to wait. Even if I know that for him i am a little girl loved him. This is what i feel for him.This, my love is without hope i know but at least her face i will bring him always with me I will love him every time that I will love on stage every time my words of love will be directed to him. "Now his face was scratched from tears Hijiri the step a handkerchief.
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