Maya si passò le mani sul volto rilassato, l’acqua calda aveva scaccia terjemahan - Maya si passò le mani sul volto rilassato, l’acqua calda aveva scaccia Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Maya si passò le mani sul volto ril

Maya si passò le mani sul volto rilassato, l’acqua calda aveva scacciato tutta la tensione. Chissà cosa stava facendo il signor Hayami in quel momento. Si irrigidì e arrossì all’improvviso.

Ma che mi viene in mente… sarà a letto, è tardissimo, con tutte le cose che lo occupano durante il giorno… E di sicuro non sta pensando a me, magari a qualche bella attrice, come Eiko Nakamura…

Scivolò un po’ nell’acqua e appoggiò la testa al bordo della vasca. Chiuse gli occhi e lo immaginò accanto a sé, come l’aveva visto davanti al teatro Nittei, mentre con una mano accompagnava l’attrice. Sostituì la donna con la sua figura e nell’immagine creata sollevò lo sguardo fino ad incontrare i suoi occhi azzurri che avevano guardato con dolcezza Eiko Nakamura e che ora stavano guardando lei nello stesso modo. Come nella realtà era avvenuto all’attrice, immaginò di cadere e sentì le sue braccia intorno al corpo che la fecero sussultare nell’acqua come se fosse veramente lì con lei. Il cuore accelerò all’improvviso.

- Non ti lascerò cadere - le sussurrò in un orecchio lui, e Maya, che aveva inventato la battuta dato che non aveva sentito ciò che si erano detti, rabbrividì nell’acqua calda alzando una mano e appoggiandola sul suo torace.

- Grazie - rispose lei, donandogli quel sorriso caldo e sensuale che aveva visto fare alla Nakamura e quando lo vide rispondere con un sorriso altrettanto dolce, Maya si sciolse dentro e il cuore prese a batterle rapidamente in petto.

Il signor Hayami strinse l’abbraccio e l’attirò a sé, come aveva fatto durante il ballo per “Lande dimenticate”, e a lei mancò il respiro quando i suoi occhi incontrarono quelle profondità azzurre.

Masumi uscì dalla doccia con un telo intorno alla vita, si asciugò l’acqua dai capelli e li tirò indietro con le mani. La notte era sicuramente uno dei momenti che preferiva e camminò sul pavimento di legno a piedi scalzi, libero finalmente da quegli abiti e da quella maschera che indossava ogni minuto del giorno. Nel buio della sua camera, senza nessuno a giudicarlo, poteva pensare liberamente senza che Mizuki, Hijiri o suo padre immaginassero chissà cosa guardando la sua espressione.

Si lasciò andare sulla grande poltrona comoda e, dopo aver appoggiato la testa, chiuse gli occhi. Un silenzio ovattato ammantava la stanza e solo la luce debole della luna filtrava dalla grande finestra. Richiamare il ricordo di lei dalle sue personali tenebre interne richiese solo un istante. Immediatamente il suo cuore accelerò e portò la mano destra sul torace nudo con un sorriso sentendolo battere rapidamente.

Il tuo ricordo fa fluire rapido il mio sangue e solo qui, al buio e in solitudine, posso pensarti così liberamente… Nella mia mente nessuno può entrare e nessuno può impedirmi di sognarti… Se sapessi cosa penso di te, probabilmente mi odieresti ancora di più e per questo non permetto mai alle mie emozioni di uscire. L’averti detto dell’ammiratore è stato solo perché non potevo più ingannarti…

Distese le dita sulla pelle ancora umida; sotto, il suo cuore, batteva rapido e aumentò nell’istante in cui rievocò il corridoio buio della sala Ugetsu.

- Aspetti! - lo chiamò lei di nuovo in quel sogno da sveglio e sentì che l’afferrava per il braccio, poi il tuono e in un attimo l’aveva fra le braccia.

La mano sul petto sentì il cuore battere ferocemente e lui strinse gli occhi per l’angoscia mista al desiderio di volerla per sé.

Non posso lasciarla a nessuno… nessuno!

Maya si lasciò cullare da quell’abbraccio deciso e protettivo sentendo il sangue salirle al volto quando si rese conto di quanto le mancasse davvero. Strinse ancor più gli occhi e in quel sogno gli passò un braccio intorno al collo.

E’ solo un sogno… non c’è nessuno qui che mi guarda, né la signora, né Yu, né giornalisti, posso immaginare tutto quello che voglio, posso far bruciare il mio cuore per lui senza timore che qualcuno se ne accorga, posso piangere e morire come Oshichi!

Nel suo mondo onirico, Masumi la tirò a sé, ancora più vicina, sollevò una mano e le scostò i capelli continuando a guardarla, ma non come aveva fatto in quegli anni, Maya lo immaginò innamorato di lei, occhi dolci e carichi d’amore.

L’effetto di quella scena la lasciò a bocca aperta. Il suo volto era completamente diverso con quell’espressione immaginaria e lei nell’acqua si sentì avvolgere da un fuoco caldo e bollente.

Lei mi manca, signor Hayami, terribilmente, vorrei tanto rivederla!

Sollevò lentamente una mano e l’accostò alla sua guancia. Lui la coprì con la sua e avvicinò il volto, così vicino che lei tremò.

Masumi scacciò quell’orrenda sensazione e si rilassò. La mano sul suo cuore avvertì il momentaneo rallentamento del battito e un’immediata accelerazione appena, attraverso gli occhi chiusi, la vide sul palco di “Lande dimenticate” con quell’abito di scena che la fece sembrare nuda. Se l’idea che lei potesse innamorarsi di lui gli appariva distante come le stelle che tanto amava, quello che stava pensando in quel momento probabilmente si trovava nei pressi di Nettuno.

Ma i sogni sono desideri, no? E questo è l’unico posto dove io posso incontrarti così Maya, solo nei miei sogni. Come quella notte nella foresta… quella sera io…

La Maya del sogno scese le scale centrali del palco e lo raggiunse al suo posto nella sala Ugetsu, dove si era seduto. Il suo sguardo era completamente diverso da quello con cui lo guardava nella vita reale, la immaginò innamorata di lui e rimase sconvolto nel vedere quanto quella nuova consapevolezza cambiasse il suo volto.

Niente di tutto ciò che farò ora potrà in alcun modo placare la mia angoscia, se non nell’immediato, ma tu, ragazzina, mi sei entrata troppo dentro e io non so più cosa fare…

Serrò gli occhi e lasciò scivolare la mano che aveva sul cuore, sull’addome, mentre Maya, nella sua visione, si avvicinò ancora.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Maya ran her hands on his face relaxed, warm water had chased away all the tension. Who knows what he was doing Mr. Hayami at that time. Stiffened and blushed suddenly.But that comes to mind ... in bed, it's late, with all the things occupying it during the day ... And for sure he's not thinking about me, maybe to some beautiful actress as Eiko Nakamura ...Slipped a bit in the water and leaned her head on the edge of the tub. She closed her eyes and imagined him beside him, as he had seen in front of the theater, while a Nittei hand accompanied the actress. Replaced the woman with her figure and picture created lifted his eyes up to meet her eyes who had watched with Eiko Nakamura sweetness and now were looking at her the same way. As in fact happened to the actress, imagined falling and felt his arms around the body that made her WinCE in the water as if it were really there with you. The heart suddenly accelerated.-I won't let you fall-whispered in my ear to him, and Maya, who had invented the joke since I hadn't heard what they were called, shuddered in the warm water, raising a hand and resting it on her chest.-Thanks-she replied, giving it warm and sensual smile he had seen to Nakamura and when he saw him respond with a smile as sweet, Maya broke in and my heart began to beat rapidly in his chest.Mr. Hayami shook the embrace and attracted to itself, as it had done during the dance for "forgotten Lands", and her breath failed when his eyes met those depths.Masumi emerged from the shower with a towel around his waist, he wiped the water from your hair and pulled them back with your hands. The night was certainly one of the favorite moments and walked on the wooden floor in bare feet, free at last from those clothes and mask that he wore every minute of the day. In the darkness of her room with no one to judge him, he could think without that Mizuki, Hijiri or his father thought they were doing anything watching his expression.He let himself go on the big comfy chair and, after drawing the head, closed his eyes. A silence ammantava the room and only weak light seeping from the large Moon window. Invoking the memory of her from his own inner darkness took only an instant. Immediately his heart quickened and brought his right hand on the bare chest with a smile feeling beat quickly.Your memory is fast flowing blood and only here, in the dark and lonely, I can give so freely. In my mind no one can enter and no one can stop me from dreaming about you ... If you know what I think about you, probably you'd hate me even more for this and I will not ever to my emotions out. Telling the admirer was just because I could no longer deceive you ...Spread your fingers on my skin is still wet; below, his heart was beating fast, and increased the moment recalled the dark corridor of the Auditorium Ugetsu.-Wait! -He called her again in that dream while awake and felt that the grasped his arm, then the Thunder and in no time she had in her arms.The hand on his chest felt the heart beating fiercely and he clenched his eyes in anguish mingled with her desire for him.I can't let anyone ... no one! Maya let himself be lulled by that embrace protective feeling strong and climbing them blood to his face when he realized how much she really was missing. He clenched his eyes even more and in that dream through an arm around my neck.It's just a dream ... There is no one here that I see, neither the Lady nor Yu nor journalists, I can imagine all you want, I can burn my heart for him without fear that someone will notice, I can cry and die like Oshichi!In his dream world, Masumi pulled her to him, even closer, lifted a hand and pulled her hair and watched her continue but not as he had done in those years, the Maya envisioned her, bright eyes and loads of love.The effect of that scene left her speechless. His face was totally different with that imaginary expression and she felt water enveloped by a warm fire and boiling.I miss her, Mr Hayami, terribly, I'd love to see you again!He lifted a hand and slowly walked up to her cheek. He covered with his and came up the face, so close that she trembled.Masumi drove that horrid feeling and relaxed. His hand on his heart felt the momentary deceleration pulse and an immediate acceleration just, through closed eyes, saw her on the stage of "forgotten Lands" with that dress that made her look naked. If the idea that she could fall in love with him appeared distant as the stars that he loved so much, what he was thinking at that time probably stood near Neptune.But dreams are wishes, no? And this is the only place where I can meet you so Maya, only in my dreams. Like that night in the forest ... that night I ...The Maya of the dream came down the stairs of the stage and joined him in his place in the Hall, where he had Ugetsu sitting. Her look was totally different from the way she looked in real life, imagined in love with him and was shocked to see how much that new awareness to change his face.None of what I will do now in any way quench my anguish, if not immediately, but you, little girl, you got me too in and I don't know what to do anymore ...He locked his eyes and let slip his hand on heart, abdomen, while Maya, in his vision, approached again.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Maya ran her hands over her face relaxed, the hot water had driven all the tension. Who knows what he was doing at that moment Mr. Hayami. Stiffened and suddenly blushed. But I think ... it will be in bed, it is very late, with all the things that occupy it during the day ... And it certainly is not thinking about me, maybe some beautiful actress as Eiko ... Nakamura slid a bit 'in the water and laid her head on the edge of the tub. He closed his eyes and imagined him at his side, as he had seen in front of the theater Nittei, while with one hand accompanied the actress. He replaced the woman with her ​​figure and created in the image looked up to meet his blue eyes that had looked sweetly Eiko Nakamura and that now they were looking at her in the same way. As in real life had happened to the actress, she supposed to fall and felt his arms around her body that made ​​her jump in the water as if it were really there with her. The heart suddenly accelerated. - Do not let you fall - he whispered in her ear to him, and Maya, who had invented the joke since he had not heard what they said, shivered in the warm water with a raised hand and resting it on his chest. - Thanks - she replied, giving him that smile warm and sensual that he had seen the Nakamura and when she saw him respond with a smile as sweet, Maya broke up in and her heart began to beat rapidly in his chest. Mr. Hayami squeezed the hug and pulled her to him, as he had done during the dance for "Lande forget", and she gasped when her eyes met those deep blue. Masumi went out of the shower with a towel around his waist, he wiped the 'water by the hair and he pulled her back with her ​​hands. The night was definitely one of the moments that he preferred and walked on the wooden floor barefoot, free at last from the clothes and the mask he wore every minute of the day. In the darkness of his room, with no one to judge him, he could think freely without Mizuki, Hijiri or imagined who knows what his father looking at his expression. He lay on the large comfortable chair and, after resting his head, closed his eyes. A hushed silence blanketed the room and only the faint light of the moon in through the large window. Recall the memory of her from her personal inner darkness took only a moment. Immediately his heart raced and took his right hand over his bare chest with a smile feeling it beat rapidly. Your memory makes my blood flowing rapidly and only here, in the dark and lonely, I can think of so freely ... In my mind no one can enter and no one can stop me from dreaming about ... If I knew what I think of you, I probably would hate even more, and for this never allow my emotions to get out. The dell'ammiratore I told it was only because I could not deceive you ... He stretched his fingers into the damp skin; below, his heart was beating fast and increased the instant recalled the dark corridor of the hall Ugetsu. - Wait! - She called back to that dream awake and felt that he grabbed her by the arm, then the thunder and in a moment he had her in his arms. The hand on his chest felt his heart beating fiercely and he narrowed his eyes for anguish mixed with the desire to want for himself. I can not let anyone ... anyone! Maya is lulled by that embrace strong and protective feeling the blood climbing them in the face when she realized how much she missed really. Squeezed even more eyes and in that dream put her arm around his neck. It 's just a dream ... there's nobody here looking at me, nor the lady, neither Yu nor journalists, I can imagine anything I want, I can burn my heart to him without fear that someone will notice, I can cry and die as Oshichi! In his dream world, Masumi pulled her even closer, he reached up and brushed her hair continuing to look at, but not as he had in those years, the Maya imagined love with her ​​sweet eyes and loads of love. The effect of that scene left her speechless. His face was completely different with that imaginary water and she felt enveloped by a warm fire and hot. I miss you, Mr. Hayami, terribly, I'd love to see you again! slowly he lifted a hand and held it to her cheek . He covered it with her ​​and approached her face, so close that she trembled. Masumi drove this horrible feeling and relaxed. The hand on his heart felt the momentary slowing of the heart and an immediate acceleration just through his eyes closed, he saw her on the stage of "Landes forget" with that dress of scene that made ​​her appear naked. If the idea that she could fall in love with him seemed distant as the stars that he loved, what he was thinking at that moment probably he was in the vicinity of Neptune. But dreams are wishes, right? And this is the only place where I can meet so Maya, only in my dreams. Like that night in the forest that night ... I ... The Maya's dream came downstairs middle of the stage and joined him in his place in the hall Ugetsu, where he was sitting. His eyes were completely different from the way it looked in real life, the imagined love with him and was shocked to see how the new awareness to change his face. None of what I will do now can in any way assuage my anguish if not immediately, but you, girl, I did you get in too deep, and I do not know what to do ... He closed his eyes and slid her hand on her heart, abdomen, while Maya, in her view, is He approached yet.

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Maya is step hands on the face relaxed, the hot water had cast out all the tension. Who knows what he was doing the mr Hayami in that moment. It stiffened and turned scarlet suddenly.

but that comes to my mind ... it will be in bed, and very late, with all the things that occupy during the day… and certainly not thinking of me, maybe a few beautiful actress, as Eiko Nakamura…

Slide a little in the water and resting the head on the edge of the tub. Closed his eyes and i imagine beside him, as he had seen in front of the theater Nittei, while with one hand accompanied the actress.Replaced the woman with her figure is in the image created and lifted her gaze to meet his light blue eyes which had looked with sweetness Eiko Nakamura and that they were now looking at her in the same way. As in reality, it was happened to the actress, i guess i fall and she felt her arms around the body that made wince in the water as if it were really there with you.
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