Si svegliò di soprassalto ansimando nel buio, guardò la sveglia per co terjemahan - Si svegliò di soprassalto ansimando nel buio, guardò la sveglia per co Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Si svegliò di soprassalto ansimando

Si svegliò di soprassalto ansimando nel buio, guardò la sveglia per controllare l’ora, ma la sapeva già, erano le 4:00 e come sempre si era svegliato dopo averla sognata per l’ennesima volta.
Non poteva andare avanti così. Si sedette sul letto e rimase fermo a guardare il pavimento, tenendosi la testa con le mani mentre le ciocche dei capelli gli scivolavano nell’incavo delle dita, il suo cuore batteva ancora veloce, aveva gli occhi sbarrati ed il sudore gli rigava la fronte e le guance fino ad assaporarne l’amaro sulle labbra. Ora ne era certo, era dannato per sempre dalla sua bellissima e unica ossessione. Non era servito a niente bere fino a ubriacarsi, uscire fino all’alba, provare a cercare conforto nelle altre donne, la sua serenità era persa per sempre e come se non bastasse, il suo corpo glielo ricordava ogni notte sognando la sua pelle, il suo odore, la sua bocca ed immaginando il suo piacere.
Doveva smetterla con questa follia. Si alzò dal letto andando a passo deciso verso la doccia, già una doccia fredda era proprio quel che ci voleva, lasciò così che l’acqua gelida scivolasse lungo il suo corpo, portando via la stanchezza, il sudore e quel che restava della sua eccitazione.
Si vestì di corsa indossando un maglione ed un jeans, guardò fuori dalla finestra, era ancora l’alba, si domandò come sarebbe stata la notte di quel giorno che stava appena nascendo.
Uscì di casa e scese correndo le scale, prese la moto e volò via attraversando la città ancora addormentata finché non arrivò sotto casa sua.
Fermò la moto, rimase immobile, per ore, minuti o forse istanti, non lo sapeva, con lo sguardo fisso alla sua finestra. Alla fine la luce della sua stanza si accese. Dopo poco lei uscì di casa correndo, sorridente come al solito, per andare alle prove della sua DS, finché, sollevando la testa, lo vide lì in fondo alla strada, allora si fermò di colpo, i suoi occhi la guardavano, anzi le rovistavano dentro, quello sguardo la spaventò mettendola a disagio.
Cosa voleva Hayamisan qui a quest’ora del mattino? Non era vestito da Presidente della Daito, quindi non era lì in visita ufficiale, era successo qualcosa alla Tsu? O forse…, non fece in tempo a formulare il suo pensiero perché lo vide sorridere ed abbassare lo sguardo verso terra. Nuove domande cominciarono ad ossessionarla: sorride? Perché? Sta forse ridendo di me? Mi trova davvero così ridicola? Per lui sono solo un “prodotto” e adesso che è fidanzato con la signorina Shiori non si curerà nemmeno più di questo, ma i suoi pensieri vennero nuovamente interrotti, lui la stava fissando di nuovo facendole cenno con la mano di avvicinarsi.
Lei si avvicinò senza riflettere, come un automa, quando fu a pochi centimetri da lui, guardò la sua mano, era ancora lì davanti a lei, aperta ed invitante, che aspettava solo di stringere la sua. Ubbidiente Maya allungò la sua fino a sentire il calore del palmo della sua mano che ora la stringeva guidandola verso il retro della sua moto.
La moto partì. Maya, abbracciata a lui, dimenticò le sue paure e lasciò che il suo corpo si abbandonasse contro il suo, si stringeva a lui sempre più forte, puntando le dita fino a sentire la tensione dei suoi muscoli, avrebbe tanto voluto far durare quella sensazione per sempre.
Masumi credeva di impazzire sentendo il corpo di lei fremergli contro - era spaventata? - Merito della velocità, avrebbe corso ancora di più pur di sentirla ancor più vicina…stava perdendo di nuovo il controllo, dannata ragazzina!
Quando la moto si fermò anche la magia che li aveva uniti, finì lasciandoli di nuovo in preda ai loro dubbi e alle loro paure. Non appena Maya riuscì a respirare regolarmente si guardò intorno e riconobbe immediatamente quel luogo magico, l’aveva portata al tempio, lo stesso dove avevano passato un’intera notte sospesi in un tempo senza tempo. Anche oggi come allora stava per piovere ed il cielo era buio - ma perché l’aveva portata lì? - Si voltò per domandarglielo, ma le parole le morirono sulle labbra vedendolo già vicino alla porta mentre stava entrando. Non le aveva mai rivolto la parola da quando si erano visti, non era il solito Masumi sicuro di sé ed il suo sguardo non era ironico o canzonatorio, in lui c’era qualcosa di terribile quel giorno.
Si fece coraggio ed attraversò il portone. Lo cercò nella penombra e lo trovò chino, intento ad accendere il fuoco, rimase ferma lì all’ingresso osservandolo in silenzio, finché lui non si alzò in piedi. Maya continuava ad osservarlo con attenzione, ma non riusciva a capire cosa stesse facendo, poiché la fiamma le impediva di distinguere i suoi movimenti, allora si avvicinò incuriosita finché non vide qualcosa cadere in terra silenziosamente. Rialzò lo sguardo e solo allora capì cosa era finito poco prima in terra…il suo maglione.
Masumi era lì a torso nudo e lei rimase incantata a guardare i giochi di luce ed ombra che la fiamma disegnava sulla sua pelle, si riebbe solo quando si accorse che Masumi stava camminando verso di lei. A quel punto la paura prese il sopravvento, Maya si voltò pronta a scappare ovunque, il più lontano possibile da quell’uomo che le aveva confuso le idee ed i sentimenti. Non avrebbe mai dovuto seguirlo!
Posò la mano sul portone pronta a spalancarlo quando avvertì due mani afferrarle le spalle, sentì la maniglia sfuggirle di mano ed il corpo di Masumi improvvisamente contro il suo, non vedeva il suo viso, ma sentiva il suo respiro irregolare sfiorarle l’orecchio.
Le sue braccia ora la stringevano forte, mentre le sue mani le sollevavano il maglione facendola trasalire a contatto con la sua pelle, lo sentiva ansimare mentre le sue dita cercavano disperatamente i suoi seni, quando li raggiunsero Maya riuscì ad emettere solo un gemito strozzato di piacere - perché le stava facendo questo? - Provò a liberarsi da quell’abbraccio e da quelle carezze, ma non ci riuscì, anzi il suo corpo ne sembrava affamato, invitando così il corpo dell’altro a farsi più vicino fino a farle sentire tutto il suo desiderio.
Masumi, faceva sempre più fatica a controllarsi ed in preda al suo folle istinto lasciò la sua mano scendesse prepotente verso l’orlo della gonna, la alzò e cominciò a risalire lungo le cosce, fino a che non sentì sotto le sue dita la trama della sua biancheria, in quel momento la sentì sussultare, si fermò per un istante, ma le sue dita sempre più impazienti si insinuarono dolcemente alla scoperta della sua intimità.
Maya non poté resistere, inarcò il suo corpo fino a concedersi totalmente a quella carezza, avrebbe voluto, baciarlo, schiaffeggiarlo, non lo sapeva nemmeno lei, sapeva solo che avrebbe voluto sentirlo ovunque dentro di lei. Masumi continuò con quella dolce tortura finché non la sentì urlare di piacere. Solo allora lui la voltò verso di sé, mentre le sue braccia continuavano a tenerla stretta, Maya alzò lo sguardo piena di vergogna: cosa avrebbe letto in quello sguardo? Odio? Rabbia? Ma non vi trovò nulla di tutto ciò, solo due occhi dolci e disperati che la guardavano pieni d’amore e riuscì solo a chiedergli con un filo di voce: “perché?”.
Lui non rispose, ma accostò la sua bocca alla sua, sfiorandole dolcemente le labbra, lei non si mosse aspettando che lui la baciasse profondamente, ormai pronta a ricambiare quel bacio con tutta la passione che lui aveva acceso poco prima in lei.
Masumi temeva di averla spaventata con la sua irruenza e forse di averla persa per sempre, ma sentendola ricambiare quel bacio perse il controllo, le prese la mano, la guidò vicino alla stufa. Le sfilò dolcemente i vestiti, sempre continuando guardarla negli occhi, la fece stendere sul suo maglione e si sdraiò sopra di lei lasciando che il suo corpo in fiamme la scaldasse, poi le accarezzò il viso e finalmente le sussurrò: “Ti amo da sempre ragazzina”.
Quella notte l’amò come nessuno uomo amò mai, lasciando che tutto il suo amore negato colmasse di piacere quella ragazzina, che di ragazzina ormai non aveva più nulla.
Hayamisan finalmente seppe come sarebbe stata la notte di quel giorno e come sarebbero state tutte le notti che da quel giorno in poi avrebbe vissuto insieme a lei.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Awoke with a start panting in the dark, looked at the alarm clock to check the time, but already knew, were the 4:00 and as always it was awakened after having dreamed for the umpteenth time.It couldn't go on like this. Sat on the bed and stood looking at the floor, holding his head with his hands while the locks of hair were slipping into the Groove of the fingers, her heart was beating fast again, his eyes bulging and sweat he'd fall in the forehead and cheeks until you the bitter taste on my lips. Now I was sure, was damned forever by his beautiful and unique obsession. Not for nothing was drinking up to get drunk, get out until dawn, trying to seek comfort in other women, his serenity was lost forever and as if that weren't enough, his body reminded him every night dreaming of her skin, her scent, her mouth and imagining her pleasure.Had to stop this madness. Got out of bed going to step towards the shower, already a cold shower was just what we wanted, he left so that the cold water slid down her body, taking away tiredness, sweating and what remained of his excitement.She dressed to ride wearing a sweater and jeans, looked out the window, it was still dawn, wondered how was the night of that day was just dawning.Left the House and went down the stairs, running took the bike and flew away through the city still asleep until he arrived in his home.The bike stopped, motionless, for hours, minutes, or seconds, maybe you didn't know, staring at her window. At the end of his bedroom light came on. Shortly after she left the House running, smiling as usual, to go to rehearsal of his DS, until, raising her head, saw him there at the end of the road, then stopped suddenly, his eyes beheld, indeed the searching in, that frightened look making it uncomfortable.What did Hayamisan here at this hour of the morning? It was not President of Daito dress, so it was not an official visit there, something happened to Tsu? Or maybe ... did not have time to formulate his thoughts because he saw him smiling and looking down at the ground. New questions began to ossessionarla: smiling? Why? Are you laughing at me? I find it really so ridiculous? To him I'm just a "product" that is now engaged to Miss will not Shiori even more than this, but his thoughts were interrupted again, he was staring at them again motioned with his hand.She came over without thinking, as an automaton, when it was just a few centimetres from him, looked down at his hand, it was still there in front of her, open and inviting, just waiting to shake her. Obedient Maya reached its up to feel the warmth of the Palm of his hand that gripped guiding it toward the back of his bike.The bike started. Maya, embraced him, forgot her fears and let his body abandon against her, clung to him louder, pointing fingers until you feel the tension in his muscles, would wish that feeling to last forever.Masumi believed crazy feeling her body against fremergli-was scared? -Merit, would speed the course even more just to hear it even closer ... was losing control again, damn girl!When the motorbike stopped even the magic that United them, ended up leaving again prey to their doubts and their fears. Soon Maya was able to breathe regularly looked around and immediately recognized that magical place, brought her to the temple, the same where they had spent a whole night suspended in a timeless time. Even then as now was to rain and the sky was dark-but because it brought her there? -Turned to ask them, but the words died on her lips when she saw him already close to the door as he was getting into. Had never said a Word to me since they had seen, was not the usual Masumi confident and her look wasn't ironic or mocking, in him there was something terrible that day.It took courage and went through the door. Sought him out in the darkness and found him, intent to start a fire, he stops there at the entrance watching him in silence, until he stood up. Maya continued to observe it carefully, but could not understand what he was doing, because the flame prevented her from distinguishing its movements, then approached intrigued until he saw something fall into the ground silently. Got up again and only then realized what was finished shortly before ... her sweater.Masumi was there shirtless and she stayed to watch enchanted the play of light and shadow that the flame drew on her skin, it recovered only when he realized that Masumi was walking toward her. At that point the fear took over, Maya turned ready to escape anywhere, as far as possible from the man who had confused the ideas and feelings. Never should follow him!He put his hand on the door ready to spalancarlo when he warned two hands grasp her shoulders, she heard the handle escape and the body of Masumi suddenly against his, did not see his face, but he felt her breathing irregular touching the ear.His arms now are holding strong, while his hands raised the sweater causing her to WinCE in contact with his skin, he felt it while panting her fingers desperately sought her breasts when they reached Maya was able to issue only a strangled moan of pleasure-why was she doing this? -Tried to break free from that embrace and caresses, but failed, in fact her body looked hungry, so inviting the other's body to get closer until they hear all his desire.Masumi, it was increasingly difficult to control himself and in his crazy instincts left his hand came down to bully the hem of the skirt, got up and started to climb down the thighs, until she felt his fingers under the fabric of her underwear, at that moment he heard her WinCE, paused for a moment, but his increasingly impatient fingers crept slowly discovering his intimacy.Maya could not resist, her body arched up to enjoy totally quella carezza, would have wanted, kiss him, slap him, didn't know you, he knew only that he wanted to feel him everywhere inside of her. Masumi continued with that sweet torture until he heard her scream in pleasure. Only then he turned towards you, while his arms were continuing to hold her close, Maya lifted her gaze full of shame: what would read into that? I hate? Anger? But not found anything, just two eyes and desperate that looked full of love and only managed to ask him with a small voice: "why?".He didn't reply, but pulled his mouth to hers, gently caressing them, her lips did not move waiting he kissed deeply, now ready to reciprocate that kiss with all the passion that he had turned on shortly before her.Masumi feared scare with its impetuosity and perhaps lost forever, but were you to reciprocate that Kiss lost control, he took her hand, led her near the stove. The gently peeled off her clothes, while continuing look her in the eye, she lay down on her sweater and lay down on top of her, leaving her body in the fire scaldasse, then stroked her face and finally whispered "I love you always girl."That night the loved as no man ever loved, letting all her love denied that pleasure fills, girl girl now had nothing.Hayamisan finally knew how it was going to be the night of that day, as were all the nights that from that day on he would live with her.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

He awoke with a start, panting in the dark, looked at the alarm clock to check the time, but he knew, were 4:00 and as always he woke up after having dreamed for the umpteenth time.
He could not go on like this. He sat on the bed and stood looking at the floor, holding his head with his hands as the locks of his hair slid in the hollow of his fingers, his heart was still beating fast, his eyes were wide open and the sweat streamed down his forehead and cheeks up to savor the bitter lips. Now he was sure, he was damned forever by his beautiful and unique obsession. It had not done anything to drink to get drunk, go out until dawn, try to seek solace in other women, his serenity was lost forever and to make matters worse, his body reminded him of it every night dreaming of her skin, its smell, its mouth and imagining her pleasure.
She had to stop this madness. He got up from the bed going to a firm step into the shower, have a cold shower was just what we wanted, so let the icy water slipping down his body, taking away the fatigue, the sweat and the remnants of his excitement .
He dressed the race wearing a sweater and jeans, looked out the window, it was still dawn, he wondered how it would be the night of that day was just beginning.
He left the house and ran down the stairs, took the bike and he flew away through the town still asleep until he reached his house.
He stopped the motorcycle, stood motionless, for hours, minutes, or maybe seconds, did not know, staring at her window. Eventually the light of his room lit up. Shortly after she left the house running, smiling as usual, to go to the evidence of its DS, until, lifting his head, he saw there down the road, then stopped suddenly, his eyes looked at her, the fact rummaged inside, that look frightened putting uncomfortable.
What did Hayamisan here at this hour of the morning? He was not dressed as President of Daito, so there was not an official visit, something had happened to Tsu? Or maybe ... he not had time to formulate his thoughts because she saw him smile and look down towards the ground. New questions began to haunt: smiles? Why? Is he laughing at me? I find it really so ridiculous? For him they are only a "product" and that now is engaged to Miss Shiori will not care even more than that, but his thoughts were interrupted again, he was staring at her again motioning with his hand to come closer.
She reached without thinking, like an automaton, when she was a few feet from him, he looked at his hand, it was still there in front of her, open and inviting, just waiting to shake his. Maya reached for his obedient to feel the heat of the palm of his hand now clutching guiding it toward the back of his bike.
The bike went. Maya, embraced him, forgot his fears and let his body were abandoned against her, clung to him more and more strong, pointing fingers until you feel the tension of his muscles, he would have liked to prolong that feeling for Always.
Masumi thought crazy feeling her body against fremergli - was scared? - Merit of speed, it would run even more just to feel even closer ... she was losing control again, damn girl!
When the bike stopped the magic that had united them, ended up leaving again prey to their doubts and to their fears. As soon as Maya managed to breathe regularly he looked around and immediately recognized that magical place, had taken her to the temple, where they had spent the whole night suspended in a timeless time. Even then and now it was going to rain and the sky was dark - but it had brought her here? - He turned to ask him, but the words died on his lips already seeing the door as he was getting into. He never said a word since they'd seen, was not the usual Masumi sure of himself and his gaze was not mocking or ironic, in him there was something terrible that day.
It took courage and walked through the door. He looked for him and found him hunched in the shadows, intent to light the fire, stood at the entrance there watching in silence, until he got to his feet. Maya continued to watch him carefully, but could not understand what he was doing, because the flame distinguish her ​​from her movements, then approached intrigued until he saw something fall to the ground silently. She looked up, and only then realized what was finished just before the ground ... his sweater.
Masumi was there shirtless and she was enchanted to watch the play of light and shadow that the flame was drawing on his skin, it recovered only when Masumi realized that he was walking toward her. Then fear took over, Maya turned around ready to run anywhere, as far as possible from the man who had confused ideas and feelings. He should never have to follow him!
He put his hand on the door ready to it open when he felt two hands grab her shoulders, felt the handle out of hand and the body of Masumi suddenly against her, could not see his face, but he felt his breath irregular brush against his ear.
His arms now hugged, as his hands lifted the sweater startling her into contact with his skin, it felt panting as her fingers were desperate her breasts, joined them when Maya was able to issue only a strangled groan of pleasure - because he was doing this? - He tried to get rid of those that embrace and caresses, but could not, or rather his body he looked hungry, thus inviting the other's body to come closer until they hear all his desire.
Masumi, was always harder to control themselves and prey to its insane instinct left his hand came down overbearing toward the hem of the skirt, the up and began to climb down her thighs, until he felt under his fingers the plot of her lingerie, then he heard her gasp, he stopped for a moment, but his fingers growing impatient crept softly to the discovery of his intimacy.
Maya could not resist, arched his body to totally indulge in her touch, wanted, kiss, slap him, he did not even know she knew only that he wanted to hear it everywhere inside her. Masumi continued with that sweet torture until he heard her scream with pleasure. Only then he turned to her, while her arms continued to hold her, Maya looked ashamed: what he read in that look? I hate? Anger? But he found none of this, only two soft eyes and desperate that looked full of love and only managed to ask in a faint voice: "why?".
He did not answer, but pulled her mouth to his, gently brushing her lips, she did not move waiting for him to kiss her deeply, now ready to return the kiss with all the passion he had lit earlier in her.
Masumi feared to have frightened her with his impetuosity, and perhaps to have lost always, but, finding reciprocate the kiss lost control, he took her hand, led her near the stove. The gently pulled the clothes, while continuing to look into the eyes, laid her on her sweater and lay down on top of her, leaving her body on fire to warm up, then caressed her face and finally whispered, "I love you always girl ".
That night he loved her like no man ever loved, letting all his love denied colmasse pleasure that little girl, that girl now had nothing.
Hayamisan finally knew how it would be the night of that day and how they would every night from that day onwards he lived with her.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]

Awoke startled panting in the dark, i looked at the alarm clock to check the time, but the already knew, were the 4:00 AM and as always it was awakened after dreamed for the umpteenth time.
could not go on like this. He sat down on the bed, and remained stopped to watch the floor, keeping the head with your hands while the strands of hair slipped in the recess of the fingers,His heart still beating fast, had wide-open eyes and the sweat the rigava the forehead and cheeks up to savor its bitter taste on the lips. Now he was sure, was damned forever by its beautiful and single obsession. It was not served as nothing drink up to get drunk, go out till dawn, try to seek comfort in the other women,His serenity was lost for ever, and as if that wasn't enough, his body so he remembered all night dreaming its skin, its smell, its mouth and imagining his pleasure.
had to stop this madness. He arose from the bed by going to determined step toward the shower, already a cold shower was exactly what we wanted, I leave so that the freezing water through Douglas's along its body,Taking away the tiredness, the sweat and what remained of its excitation.
put on clothes of stroke by wearing a sweater and jeans, and looked out the window, was still dawn, you wonder how it would have been the night of that day that he was just being born.
went out of the house and went down by running the stairs,Took the bike and flight track passing through the city still asleep until arrival under his house.
stopped the bike, he remained motionless, for hours, minutes, or perhaps moments, did not know it, with their gaze fixed on his window. In the end, the light of her room was kindled. Shortly after she came out of the house running, smiling as usual, to go to the evidence of its DS, until, by raising the head,He saw them at the bottom of the road, then stopped suddenly, his eyes looked at, and indeed the rovistavano inside, that gaze the fear causing discomfort to.
what he wanted Hayamisan here this early in the morning? It was not dressed as President of the Daito, and then was not there on an official visit, was something happened with the Tsu? Or maybe…,Not had time to formulate his thoughts because he saw him smile and lower your gaze toward the ground. New questions began to ossessionarla: smiles? Why is that? It is perhaps laughing about me? I find this really so ridiculous? For him there are only a "product" and now that it is her boyfriend with ms by T. Shiori does not care even more than this, but his thoughts were again interrupted,He was re-attaching them beckoned with the hand of approaching.
You came without a second thought, as an automaton, when he was within a few inches from him, I look at his hand, was still there, in front of her, open, inviting, just waiting to tighten its.Obedient Maya leaned its up to feel the warmth of the palm of his hand that now the thronged him guiding it toward the back of his motorcycle.
The bike parts. Maya, embraced him, I forget his fears and let his body he abandoned himself against his, thronged to him always stronger, pointing the fingers until you feel the tension of his muscles,Would have so wanted to take that feeling forever.
Masumi thought he was crazy when I hear the body of her fremergli against - was scared? - About the speed, he ran even more while to hear you even closer…he was losing the control again, damned girl!
when the bike is still even the magic that had made them united,Fine leaving them again as a prey to their doubts and their fears. As soon as Maya managed to breathe regularly, it is look around and immediately recognized that magic place, had brought in the temple, the same where they had spent a whole night suspended in a time without time. Even today, as then was for rain and the sky was dark - but because he had brought them?- You face for to ask them, but the words died on my lips when they saw that he was already close to the door while he was entering. Not the had never spoken a word since they had seen, was not the usual Masumi sure of himself and his gaze was not ironic or a mocking, in him there was something terrible that day.
became courage and through the door.Searched for him in the shadows and find it chino, intent to turn on the fire, he remained firm li at the entrance by observing it in silence, until he does not rose to his feet. Maya continued to observe it with attention, but he couldn't understand what was doing, since the flame the prevented to distinguish its movements,Then came intrigued until he saw something fall to earth silently. Increase the look and only then heads thing was finished shortly before on earth…his sweater.
Masumi was li bare-chested and she remained enchanted to watch the play of light and shadow that the flame he drew on his skin, you recover only when he saw that Masumi was walking toward her.At that point the fear took the upper hand, Maya is face ready to escape anywhere, as far as possible from the man who had confused the ideas and sentiments. He should never have been following him!
Poso the hand on the door ready to spalancarlo when warned two hands grip the shoulders, you feel the handle miss of the hand and the body of Masumi suddenly against his,He saw his face, but he felt his breath irregular willing the ear.
his arms now the shaking strong, while his hands the raised the sweater making it actually raped in contact with its skin, the felt recurrent wheezing while his fingers desperately sought his breasts,When li reached Maya managed to emit only a groaning choked with pleasure - because he was doing this? - Try to get rid of that embrace and from those caresses, but we managed, indeed its body nor seemed hungry, thereby inviting the body of the other to become more close up to make them feel all his desire.
Masumi,It was increasingly difficult to control his temper, prey to its neutral instinct left her hand fall overbearing toward the edge of the skirt, stood up and began to climb along the thighs, up to that don't feel under his fingers the plot of his linen, at that moment, the felt quiver, stood for a moment,But his fingers increasingly impatient first intruded into gently explore its intimacy.
Maya could not resist, s eyebrows shot up his body up to enjoy totally to the caress, would have wanted, kiss him, schiaffeggiarlo, did not know it not even you, knew only that he wanted to hear it anywhere inside her.Masumi continuous with that sweet torture until the feel scream with pleasure. Only then he the face toward you, while his arms continued to hold it close, Maya looked up full of shame: what have read in that gaze? Hatred? Anger? But found nothing of all this,Only two sweet eyes and desperate that looked full of love and managed only to ask him in a small voice: "why " .
Him not answered, but drew his mouth to his, sfiorandole gently with the lips, she did not move waiting for him the baciasse deeply, is now ready to reciprocate that kiss with all the passion that he had turned on just before in her.
Masumi feared it frightened her with his vehemence and perhaps it lost for ever, but by feeling it reciprocate that kiss lost control, and took her by the hand, the guido close to the stove. The shakeout gently the clothes, always continuing look at it in the eyes, made her lay on her sweater and chairs over her leaving his body in flames the awhile,Then the cherished the face and finally the whisper: "I love you always girl" .
that night l'amo as none man i love ever, leaving that all his love denied narrowed to pleasure the little girl, that of a young girl now no longer had nothing.
Finally Hayamisan knew as would have been the night of that day, and as would have been all the nights that from that day onwards would have lived together with her.
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