- Sei bellissima - mormorò fissandola con il solo chiarore lunare a il terjemahan - - Sei bellissima - mormorò fissandola con il solo chiarore lunare a il Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

- Sei bellissima - mormorò fissando

- Sei bellissima - mormorò fissandola con il solo chiarore lunare a illuminarla.

- Non è vero ma mi emoziona sentirtelo dire… - replicò lei a bassa voce unendo le gambe e piegandole un po’, imbarazzata.

Masumi si chinò su di lei mettendo una mano di qua e una di la dalle gambe e iniziò a baciarla partendo proprio dai piedi come se volesse assaggiare ogni parte di lei, dimentico delle proprie esigenze. Le labbra ardenti correvano sui ginocchi, sulle cosce, sulla pancia, su collo e quando raggiunsero l’obiettivo Maya sospirò impaziente e lui sorrise prima di baciarla. Lei gli passò le mani sulla schiena e lui s’inarcò per il piacere passando una delle sue lunghe gambe ancora nei jeans fra le sue.

Lasciò la sua bocca e sussurrando il suo nome scese sul collo e infine appoggiò le labbra sul cotone sottile del reggiseno. Lei s’inarcò verso di lui incoraggiandolo con un mugolio e affondando le piccole unghie nella sua schiena. Bagnò il tessuto con la lingua e il capezzolo sotto s’indurì all’istante facendole venire la pelle d’oca dappertutto. Riservò lo stesso trattamento anche all’altro seno finché Maya non protestò con un lamento infelice.

Siamo io e lui e ancora non posso crederci… le sue mani… incredibili mani… mi stanno facendo perdere il contatto con ogni cosa… non sono più io, c’è solo lui, la sua bocca, le sue mani, l’odore incredibile della sua pelle che mi manda in estasi...

Allora Masumi passò le mani dietro la sua schiena e lo sganciò liberandoli da quella costrizione. Soffiò sulla pelle bagnata dai suoi baci e lei rabbrividì. Fece scivolare la mano lungo il fianco e risalì, lentamente, dandole il tempo di capire cosa avrebbe fatto, perché non poteva più aspettare. Abbracciò il seno con la sua mano e lei s’inarcò di nuovo sibilando. Era perfetto, sembrava l’esatto completamento per la sua mano chiusa a coppa. Catturò il piccolo capezzolo scuro con le labbra e lo succhiò e leccò finché lei non prese a strusciarsi sotto di lui con il respiro accelerato, poi passò all’altro. Sapeva di femminilità e mandorla e quanto gli stava costando fare tutto con calma!

Fece scorrere una mano lungo la pancia mentre continuava a succhiare un seno e Maya sembrò non accorgersene nemmeno. Passò le dita sotto il cotone incontrando i riccioli morbidi e quando scivolò nel suo centro bagnato sollevò lo sguardo incontrando i suoi occhi spalancati. Maya chiuse di scatto le gambe in un movimento automatico ma lui le sorrise continuando a strusciare dolcemente. Avvicinò le labbra alle sue ma fu lei a prendere l’iniziativa e ad aggrapparsi alla sua schiena. Sentì la tensione svanire subito e poté dedicarsi completamente al fulcro eccitato. Mai avrebbe immaginato che toccarla in quel modo lo avrebbe così sconvolto. Solo l’esperienza lo stava aiutando, se avesse avuto la sua stessa età...

Maya riuscì a rendersi conto per un breve attimo di essere immersa in un mondo caldo e vellutato. I suoi baci la infiammavano e le sue mani sapevano sempre che punti toccare per prolungare quel piacere. Si era così meravigliata all’invasione delle sue dita che aveva reagito serrando le gambe ma ora non voleva altro che lui continuasse, che le desse di più. Rapide fitte all’inguine la spinsero a muovere i fianchi andando incontro alle sue dita gentili ma ferme e quasi protestò a voce alta quando lui smise d’improvviso interrompendo anche il bacio.

Passò lungo il collo con le labbra, si soffermò sul seno giusto un momento, scese lungo la pancia, baciò le cosce mentre lei lo osservava affascinata e incuriosita. Si inginocchiò fuori dal letto e posò le labbra sull’interno del ginocchio tirandola lentamente verso di sé. Risalì sulla pelle liscia e calda e quando Maya comprese cosa stava per fare cacciò un sibilo di meraviglia mista a frustrazione.

Masumi la ignorò, troppo coinvolto per rallentare più di quanto non stesse già facendo. Raggiunse il cotone completamente bagnato dei suoi umori e ci passò sopra la lingua premendo lievemente. Maya afferrò la coperta stringendola fra i pugni, s’inarcò e soffocò un gridolino. Lui sorrise e lo fece di nuovo, premendo più forte, e ancora e ancora finché lei non sollevò la testa e lo fissò con sguardo infuocato e irritato.

- Toglile! - sibilò stringendo la coperta così forte che anche con la poca luce lui vide sbiancare le nocche. Quando si rese conto di come aveva agito si portò una mano alla bocca ma Masumi stava già tirando via le sue mutandine. Strusciò le mani lungo l’esterno delle cosce abbracciandole la vita mentre i suoi baci roventi risalivano lungo l’interno facendola fremere per l’attesa. Solo l’idea di ciò che stava per fare lo portò quasi oltre il limite del controllo che si era imposto: l’unica cosa che desiderava era togliersi quei maledetti jeans ed entrare dentro di lei, sarebbe stato il primo e il solo e non avrebbe permesso mai a nessun altro di toccarla in quel modo.

Appoggiò le labbra inspirando il suo odore intenso e fragrante e sentì Maya irrigidirsi. Fece scivolare le mani e con le labbra e la lingua succhiò quel fulcro incandescente godendo di ogni attimo.

Morirò lo so… se continua così morirò… non potevo sapere… non lo potevo sapere…

Strinse la coperta inarcandosi nell’istante in cui lui iniziò a leccarla lentamente. Ogni passata le provocava scosse che l’attraversavano scuotendola come un terremoto facendole perdere completamente il contatto con la realtà. Era vicina, così vicina… fece scattare le mani avanti e le infilò nei suoi capelli spingendolo verso di sé. Lui dovette intuire il suo stato perché il suo bacio si fece più profondo e rapido e quando Maya sentì il suo dito entrare e strusciare avanti e indietro esigente non poté più fermare quell’ondata devastante che liberò tutta l’eccitazione accumulata facendola tremare di piacere e che esternò in un grido soffocato.

Non voleva spaventarla ma aveva troppa voglia di esserle dentro in qualche modo e quando infilò il dito e avvertì la membrana sottile una fitta all’inguine lo fece sussultare e per poco non venne come non gli capitava da quando era un ragazzino…

Era talmente tanta la voglia di stare con lei? Non me ne ero reso conto finché non l’ho baciata la prima volta… tutto si è cancellato adesso, niente sembra avere importanza, tranne la sua pelle, il suo odore, la sua felicità...

Quando Maya gridò la sentì tremare e un’ondata di calore investì anche lui sapendo ciò che stava provando in quel momento. Lei serrò le cosce intorno alla sua testa e lui rallentò le profonde leccate rendendosi conto che avrebbe potuto continuare a farglielo per sempre e ogni volta che lei avesse voluto. Tolse il dito e risalì sul letto continuando ad accarezzarla con le mani, prolungando quelle scosse di piacere che sapeva le sue dita le avrebbero dato sulla pelle sensibile e ricettiva.

La baciò e istintivamente lei fece scorrere le mani lungo le sue braccia e il suo tocco spontaneo gli infiammò ancor più le vene.

- Questo è il mio sapore? - gli chiese in un sussurro languido.

- Sì - e le passò una mano fra i capelli morbidi.

- Perché l’hai fatto? - gli carezzò una guancia passando un dito sulle sue labbra bellissime.

- Sapevo che ti sarebbe piaciuto - sorrise in un modo che non gli aveva mai visto, affascinante e impertinente e che era solo per lei.

- Ma tu… - si rese conto improvvisamente che si era dedicato completamente a lei e che lei invece…

- Non preoccuparti - e la baciò di nuovo per zittirla. Maya gli allacciò le braccia al collo strisciandole sulle scapole ampie e risalì passando le dita fra i capelli e stringendoli nelle piccole mani strette a pugno. Masumi emise un basso gorgoglio, l’abbracciò e la strinse contro di sé. Lasciò scivolare una mano lungo la schiena e sulle natiche perfette, lei fremette e si strusciò contro di lui con un movimento davvero sensuale che però fece del tutto inconsciamente.

Averla nuda fra le braccia così arrendevole dopo tutti quegli anni di lotte e repressione lo fece gemere di desiderio. Non poteva assolutamente immaginare il piacere che avrebbe provato sfiorandole la pelle e inspirando il suo odore dolce...

Quel solo bacio e quelle carezze l’avevano eccitata di nuovo e questa volta non le sarebbe bastata una carezza fra le gambe. Con mano lievemente tremante prese la sua posata sulla natica e la guidò dove più voleva che fosse.

- Maya… - sussurrò il suo nome meravigliato contro le sue labbra umide mentre le sue dita si bagnavano dei suoi umori.

- Non sai quanto ringrazi adesso il buio di questa stanza… - mormorò - ma ti prego non lasciarmi così… - lo supplicò.

Si dispiacque che lei lo pensasse, non voleva affatto lasciarla così… stava solo cercando di mantenere un po’ di controllo per non farle del male anche se l’ultima cosa che avrebbe voluto era aspettare ancora...

- Non ne avevo intenzione Maya… stavo solo… - ma questa volta fu lei a zittirlo con un bacio, spingendo la mano sul suo inguine e strisciandola lungo la sua virilità eccitata.

Maya avvertì una scossa al tocco, era duro e rigido sotto e invece che spaventarsi pensò al momento in cui l’avrebbe sentito dentro di sé...

Masumi sussultò per il gesto inaspettato e la fermò mettendoci la sua mano sopra.

- Ferma - mormorò con voce così bassa che stentò a sentirlo pur avendolo davanti.

- Sc-scusa… - balbettò e a lui venne da ridere ma si trattenne.

- Non scusarti… in altro momento sarebbe stato perfetto ma… non ora - spiegò lentamente sollevandole la mano.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
-You're beautiful-murmured through the Moonlight only to illuminate it.-It is not true but I'm excited to hear you say ...-She replied in a low voice by joining the legs and bending slightly, embarrassed.Masumi leaned on her putting a hand around one of the legs and started to kiss her starting right from the feet as if she wanted to taste every part of her, oblivious to their needs. Flaming lips around knees, thighs, belly, neck and when they reached the goal Maya sighed impatiently and he smiled before kissing her. She passed her hands on his back and he bowed to the passing pleasure one of his long legs in his jeans.He left his mouth and whispering his name came down on her neck and finally leaned on the lips thin cotton bra. She bowed to him and encouraged him with a moan and sinking small nails into his back. Bathed with tissue culture, and hardened nipple beneath them is instantly goose bumps everywhere. Give the same treatment to the other breast as long as Maya did not protest with a miserable lament.It's me and him and I still can't believe it ... his hands ... amazing ... are making me lose touch with everything ... it is no longer I, there is only him, his mouth, his hands, the amazing smell of her skin that sends me into ecstasy ...Then Masumi hands behind passed his back and dropped him by freeing them from that constraint. Blew onto wet skin from his kisses and she shuddered. He slid his hand along the side and went up, slowly, giving her time to figure out what he would do, because he couldn't wait any longer. Hugged her breast with his hand and she bowed again hissing. It was perfect, it seemed the exact completion for his closed hand to Cup. He captured the little dark nipple with his lips and sucked and licked until she began to rub underneath him with her breath quickened, then passed to another. Knew of femininity and almond was costing and how much do everything calmly!He ran a hand along her stomach as he continued to suckle one breast and Maya seemed not to notice. Ran her fingers under the cotton soft curls and when slipped in her wet Center lifted his gaze meeting his eyes. Maya shutter closed her legs in an automatic movement but he smiled, continuing to agitate gently. Came up to his lips but she took the initiative and to cling to his back. She felt the tension slip away right away and was able to devote himself entirely to the core excited. Never would have guessed that touch it that way would have so upset. Only experience was helping him, if he had his own age ...Maya was able to realize for a brief moment to be immersed in a world warm and velvety. His kisses the blushed and his hands always knew that touch points to prolong the pleasure. He was so surprised at the invasion of her fingers that had reacted by tightening my legs but now I wanted him to continue, which gave more. Fast dense the groin caused him to move her hips to meet his fingers kind but firm and nearly protested loudly when he stopped suddenly breaking the kiss.Passed around the neck, lips lingered on the right breast a moment, went down along the belly, then kissed her thighs as she watched fascinated and intrigued. Knelt down off the bed and placed her lips on the inside of the knee and pull it toward you slowly. It went up on the skin smooth and warm and when Maya included what was then chased a hiss of wonder mixed with frustration.Masumi ignored, too involved to slow more than it was already doing. Reached completely wet cotton of his moods and we passed over the language by pressing slightly. Maya grabbed the blanket between her fists tighten, he bowed and stifled a cry. He smiled and did it again, pressing harder, and again and again until she lifted her head and stared at him with eyes blazing and irritated.-Take! -indoor shaking hissed so loudly that even with the little light he saw her knuckles whiten. When he realized how he had done took a hand to mouth but Masumi was already pulling off her panties. Strusciò your hands along the outside of the thighs abbracciandole life while his hot kisses back along the inside making her tingle with anticipation. Just the idea of what she was doing him almost beyond the limit of the control that was imposed: the only thing he wanted was to take off those damn jeans and come inside her, it would have been the first and only and would not allow anyone else to ever touch her like that.He supported his lips inhaling her scent intense and fragrant and felt Maya stiffen. He slid his hands and lips and tongue sucked that glowing hub enjoying every moment.I will die I know ... If this continues I die ... I didn't know ... I know ...Shook the blanket arching the moment he began to lick slowly. Each pass the caused tremors that shake the poked through as an earthquake causing them to completely lose touch with reality. It was close, so close ... flicked forward and hands stuck in her hair by pulling it towards you. He had to guess his condition because his Kiss became deeper and faster and when Maya felt her finger enter and scraping back and forth demanding could no longer stop the devastating wave that delivered all the excitement built up causing her to tremble and cry in a choked voiced.He didn't want to scare you but had too much want to be in there somehow and when poked his finger and felt the thin dense membrane crotch made him WinCE almost as it happened was him since he was a kid.It was so much the desire to be with her? I hadn't realized until I kissed the first time ... everything is deleted now, nothing seems to matter except his skin, his smell, his happiness ...When Maya cried and trembled a heat wave swept him even knowing what was experiencing at that time. She struck her thighs around his head and he slowed down the deep licking realizing that he could continue to do it for ever and whenever she wanted. Removed his finger and went up on the bed and continued to caress her with his hands, prolonging those shocks of pleasure that he knew his fingers were getting on skin sensitive and receptive. He kissed her and she instinctively he ran his hands along his arms and his spontaneous touch the even more inflamed veins.-This is my taste? asked in a whisper languid.-Yes-and passed a hand through your hair soft.-Why did you do that? -stroked a cheek passing a finger on her lips.I knew you'd like it-he smiled in a way that had not ever seen, charming and sassy and it was just for her.But you ...-She realized suddenly that it was completely dedicated to her and that she instead ...Don't worry-and kissed her again to shut her up. Maya tied neck arms on shoulder blades wide and strisciandole up passing his fingers in her hair and drawing them into small hands clenched. Masumi issued a low gurgle, hugged her and held her against him. Left slip a hand down my back and buttocks, she did Quake and strusciò against him with a really sensual movement but did everything unconsciously.Have her naked in his arms so yielding after all those years of struggle and repression made him moan with desire. Could not imagine the pleasure that he would try caressing them skin and inhaling her sweet smell ...That kiss and caress only had excited again and this time the would stretch a caress between their legs. With slightly trembling hand took his laid on the buttock and drove it where he wanted it.-Maya ...-whispered her name against her gaping wet lips while his fingers bathed his moods.-You don't know how thank now the darkness of this room ...-murmured-but please don't leave me like this ...-begged him.Felt sorry that she thought, she didn't want to leave it at all ... He was just trying to maintain some control in order not to hurt her even though the last thing he wanted was to wait ...-I didn't intend to Maya ... just ...-but this time she shut him up with a kiss, thrusting his hand on his groin and strisciandola along his manhood aroused.Maya felt a Jolt, it was hard and stiff under and instead become frightened at the time he thought he'd heard within oneself ...Masumi leaped for the unexpected gesture and stopped her by putting his hand over.-Stops-voice muttered so low that struggled to hear him despite having front.-Sc-sorry ...-He stammered had to laugh but refrained.-Don't apologise ... in more time would have been perfect ... but not now-slowly hand lifting them explained.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
- You're beautiful - whispered staring with only moonlight to illuminate it. - It's not true, but I'm excited to hear it ... - she replied softly bringing the legs and bending a little 'embarrassed. Masumi leaned over her putting a hand side and one of the legs and began to kiss her starting right from the feet as if to taste every part of her, oblivious to their needs. The Flaming Lips ran on his knees, thighs, belly, neck and when they reached the goal Maya sighed impatiently and he smiled before kissing her. She put her hands on his back and he arched with pleasure through one of his long legs in jeans still in his. He left his mouth and whispering his name down on the neck and finally put his lips on the thin cotton bra . She arched toward him encouraging him with a moan and sinking small nails into his back. Wet tissue with the language and under the nipple hardened instantly making her goosebumps everywhere. He reserved the same treatment also the other breast until Maya did not protest with a whimper unhappy. It's me and him, and I still can not believe it ... its amazing hands ... hands ... are making me lose touch with everything ... no longer I, just him, his mouth, his hands, the amazing smell of his skin that sends me into ecstasy ... Then Masumi ran his hands behind his back and dropped freeing them from the constraints. He blew on the wet skin by his kisses and she shuddered. He slid his hand down the side and came up slowly, giving it time to figure out what he would do, because he could not wait any longer. She hugged her breasts with her ​​hand and she arched back hissing. It was perfect, looked like the exact completion for his closed hand cupped. He captured the small dark nipple with his lips and sucked and licked until she began to rub underneath him with rapid breathing, then passed to another. He knew of femininity and almond and what was costing him to do everything quietly! He ran a hand along the belly as he continued to suck a breast and Maya seemed not to notice either. He ran his fingers under the cotton meeting the soft curls and when slid into her wet center looked up and met her eyes wide. Maya snapped shut his legs in an automatic movement but he smiled while continuing to rub gently. She brought her lips to his, but it was she who took the initiative and to cling to his back. He felt the tension vanish immediately and was able to devote himself fully to the fulcrum excited. He never would have guessed that he would touch her ​​that way so upset. Only experience was helping him, if he had the same age ... Maya was able to realize for a brief moment to be immersed in a world of warm and velvety. His kisses the inflamed and his hands always knew that touch points to prolong the pleasure. It was so amazed invasion of his fingers had reacted by tightening the legs but now wanted nothing more than for him to continue, that would give her more. Rapid dense groin pushed her to move her hips going to meet his fingers gentle but firm and almost protested loudly when he stopped suddenly interrupting even the kiss. He passed down his neck with his lips, he paused on a right breast time, went down the belly, kissed her thighs while she watched him fascinated and intrigued. He knelt out of bed and put his lips on the inside of the knee by pulling it slowly toward you. He went up on the skin smooth and warm and when Maya realized what she was doing gave a hiss of wonder mixed with frustration. Masumi ignored her, too involved to slow more than it was already doing. He reached the completely wet cotton of her moods and we passed over the tongue pressing slightly. Maya grabbed the blanket squeezing it between his fists, arched and stifled a little cry. He smiled and did it again, pressing harder, and again and again until she lifted her head and stared at him with burning eyes and irritated. - Please remove them! - He hissed, clutching the blanket so strong that even with the dim light he saw her knuckles whiten. When he realized that he had acted as he put a hand to mouth but Masumi was already pulling her panties. He rubbed his hands along the outside of the thighs embracing life while his hot kisses went back along the inside making her quiver with anticipation. Just the idea of what he was doing took him almost beyond the limit of the control that was imposed: the only thing I wanted was to take off those damned jeans and get inside her, would be the first and only and would not never allowed anyone else to touch her ​​in that way. He put his lips inhaling her scent intense and fragrant and Maya felt tense. He slid his hands and lips and tongue sucked the fulcrum incandescent enjoying every moment. I know ... I will die if this continues I will die ... I did not know ... I could not know ... He gripped the blanket arching the instant he started lick it slowly. Each pass the shock that caused the crossing shaking like an earthquake causing her to lose all contact with reality. It was close, so close ... flicked his hands back and slipped in his hair pushing it toward you. He must have sensed their status because his kiss deepened and quick and when Maya felt his finger enter and rub back and forth demanding he could not stop that wave devastating who freed all the excitement accumulated making her shiver of pleasure and externally in a muffled cry. He did not want to scare her but had little desire to be her in somehow and when she stuck her finger and felt the thin membrane dense groin startled him and almost came as not happened since he was a boy ... It was so much the desire to be with her? I had not realized until I kissed her the first time ... everything is deleted now, nothing seems to matter except his skin, his smell, his happiness ... When Maya cried and felt a shiver 'heat wave him also knowing what he was feeling at that moment. She clenched her thighs around his head and he slowed the deep licking realizing that he could continue to do it for ever and whenever she wanted. He removed his finger and went back on the bed while continuing to caress her with his hands, prolonging the shock of pleasure that he knew his fingers would give the skin sensitive and receptive. He kissed her and she instinctively ran his hands down her arms and her touch the spontaneous inflamed even more veins. - This is my taste? - He asked in a whisper languid. - Yes - and ran a hand through his hair soft. - Why did you do that? - He caressed his cheek, passing a finger on her lips beautiful. - I knew you'd like it - smiled in a way that had never seen, fascinating and cocky and that was just for her. - But you ... - he realized suddenly who she was completely dedicated to her and that she instead ... - Do not worry - and kissed her again to silence her. Maya wrapped her arms around strisciandole shoulder blades wide and went running her fingers through his hair and holding them in small hands clenched into fists. Masumi gave a low gurgle, hugged her and held her against him. Slid his hand down her back and buttocks perfect, she winced and rubbed against him with a very sensual movement but made ​​quite unconsciously. Having her naked in his arms so docile after all these years of struggle and repression made ​​him moan of desire. He could not imagine the pleasure he would try brushing the skin and inhaling her sweet smell ... That single kiss and those caresses had excited again and this time would not have been enough a caress between his legs. With slightly trembling hand he took his resting on the buttock and led her where she wanted it to be more. - Maya ... - whispered his name in wonder against his wet lips as her fingers bathed his moods. - You do not know how you thank now darkness of this room ... - whispered - but please do not leave me ... - she pleaded. He was sorry that she thought, did not want to leave it ... was just trying to keep some 'control in order not to hurt her even if 'last thing he wanted was to wait ... - I had no intention Maya ... I was just ... - but this time it was she who shut him up with a kiss, pushing his hand on his crotch and swiping along his manhood excited. Maya warned a shock to the touch, it was hard and rigid and below instead of scaring thought at the time that would have felt within themselves ... Masumi winced unexpected gesture and stopped putting his hand on it. - Stop - he murmured so low I could scarcely hear him despite having front. - Sc-excuse ... - he faltered and he had to laugh but did not. - Do not apologize ... in another time would be perfect ... but not now - explained slowly lifting her hand.

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
- You're beautiful - he mumbled by attaching it with the only lunar flare to brighten.

- it is not true but i'm excited about i am overjoyed to hear that… - retorted you a low voice by joining the legs and folding them a little, embarrassed.

Masumi you bend over you by placing a hand here and one of the from the legs and began to kiss her starting right from the foot as if you want to taste every part of you,Forget your own needs. The burning lips ran on the knees, the thighs, the belly, on neck and when they reached the objective Maya sighed impatiently and he grinned before kiss it. She step hands on his back and he s the s eyebrows shot up for the pleasure by passing one of its long legs still in jeans between its.

He left his mouth, and whispered his name went down on the neck and finally support the lips on the thin cotton of the bra. She s the s eyebrows shot up toward him encouraging him with a groan and sank the small nails into his back. Bathroom the fabric with the language and the teat below s the hardened instantly making them be the skin of goose everywhere.
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