Gli si era avvicinata e aveva appoggiato dolcemente il capo sulla sua  terjemahan - Gli si era avvicinata e aveva appoggiato dolcemente il capo sulla sua  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Gli si era avvicinata e aveva appog

Gli si era avvicinata e aveva appoggiato dolcemente il capo sulla sua spalla. L’uomo l’aveva guardata esterrefatto.
Quante volte gli aveva visto sul volto gli occhi spalancati dallo stupore nelle ultime ore? Tante! Troppe. Si era resa conto di come il signor Hayami non avesse mai dubitato del suo odio. Era stata veramente una ragazzina fino a qualche settimana prima: al sentimento di amore che aveva scoperto, aveva risposto con più aggressività del solito ed il risultato era stato solo allontanare il signor Hayami dalla verità.
Erano scesi dalla nave e, mentre andavano incontro alla realtà, l’uomo le aveva chiesto di aver fiducia in lui, ché sarebbe passato del tempo senza che loro potessero vedersi.
Come poteva deluderlo?
Avevano incontrato la signorina Shiori, che si era sorpresa di vederli insieme ed era svenuta. Nessuno aveva più badato a lei, tranne il signor Hayami che l’aveva accompagnata fuori per procurarle un taxi.
Lì avevano visto anche Sakurakoji: sarebbe dovuta tornare con lui, ma non poteva, non voleva tornare a casa senza chiedere al signor Hayami di aspettarla.
Era corsa nella struttura portuale come una forsennata, l’aveva inseguito fino al corridoio dell’infermeria, l’aveva chiamato ed egli si era girato. Era volata tra le sue braccia, l’aveva implorato di aspettarla ché era ancora inadatta a stargli al fianco, conosceva solo la recitazione, non il suo mondo, non la vita fuori dal palcoscenico.
Il giovane l’aveva abbracciata ancora, fortemente. Ancora una volta le sue braccia l’avevano accolta e l’avevano rassicurata.
Solo dopo era tornata da sola a casa ed alla realtà. Alla realtà dell’incidente di Sakurakoji, alla realtà dello spettacolo a rischio senza il suo Isshin, alla realtà della sua freddezza nei suoi confronti.
Non credeva che la ritenesse responsabile, come a volte si sentiva lei stessa. Ma allora, si interrogava, quale poteva esserne la causa?
Lo guardava di sottecchi, mentre il ragazzo riceveva i complimenti da parte degli altri attori. Con loro manteneva l’atteggiamento di sempre, quindi il problema era solo lei.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
He was approached and had supported the head gently on his shoulder. The man had watched dumbstruck.How many times he had seen on the face wide-eyed astonishment in the last few hours? So many! Too many. Realised how Mr. Hayami had never doubted his hatred. It was really a little girl until a few weeks before: the feeling of love which he had discovered, he had responded more aggressively than usual and the result was just dismiss Mr. Hayami from the truth.Were got off the ship and while they were meeting, the man asked her to trust him, because it would be passed without that they could see each other.How could she let him down?They had met Miss Shiori, who was surprised to see them together and was unconscious. Nobody had more looked after her, except Mr. Hayami who had accompanied out to get a taxi.They looked at: Sakurakoji would return with him, but couldn't, didn't want to go home without ask Mr. Hayami to wait.Had run in port as a frantic, he stalked up to the infirmary Hall, had called him and he was shot. It was flown in his arms, had begged him to wait because he was still unfit to stand alongside, knew only the acting, not his world, not the life off the stage.The young man had embraced again, strongly. Once again her arms had received and had reassured.Only after she went back home and alone to reality. The reality of reality Sakurakoji entertainment at risk without his Isshin, the reality of his coldness towards her.Did not believe that felt responsible, as sometimes felt herself. But then, wondered, what could be the cause?Watched by semi-closed eyes, while the boy was receiving compliments from other players. With them kept the attitude of always, so the problem was only her.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
He had approached him and had his head resting gently on her shoulder. The man looked at her aghast.
How many times he had seen on the face wide-eyed with wonder in the last hour? So many! Too many. She realized how Mr. Hayami had never doubted his hatred. It was really a girl until a few weeks before: the feeling of love that he discovered, had responded more aggressively than usual, and the result was only alienate Mr. Hayami from the truth.
They got off the ship and, while they were facing the reality The man asked her to trust him, because it would be some time without that they could see each other.
How could disappoint him?
They had met Miss Shiori, who was surprised to see them together and had fainted. No one had paid attention to her except Mr. Hayami who accompanied her out to get her a cab.
There had also seen Sakurakoji: would have to return with him, but could not, did not want to go home without waiting to ask Mr. Hayami .
He was running in the port structure as a lunatic, he had chased up the corridor of the infirmary, had called him and he was shot. He had flown in his arms, had begged to wait for it was still inadequate to keep up his side, knew only acting, not his world, not life off the stage.
The young man had embraced more strongly. Once again, his arms had received and had reassured her.
Only after she returned home alone and reality. The reality of the incident Sakurakoji, the reality of the show at risk without his Isshin, the reality of his coldness towards him.
He did not believe that the deemed responsible, as sometimes felt herself. But then, he questioned, which could be the cause?
She looked at him sideways, while the boy received compliments from the other actors. With their attitude always maintained, then the problem was just her.
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Had approached and had rested gently the head on his shoulder. The man had looked at me astonished.
How many times he had seen on the face the eyes wide open the amazement in the last few hours? So many! Too Many. It was realized that as the mr Hayami had never doubted his hatred. It was really a girl up until a few weeks before:To the feeling of love that he had discovered, had responded with more aggression than usual and the result was only away from the mr Hayami from the truth.
had fallen from the ship and, while they were meeting to the reality, the man had asked to have confidence in him, that would be past time without that they could be.
As could feed them?
They had met the lady by T. Shiori, who was surprised to see them together and was repulses. No one had more tended to her, except mr. Hayami who had accompanied out to procure a taxi.
Li had also seen Sakurakoji: she would have to go back with him, but he could not, not wanted to go home without asking to Mr Hayami to wait.
It was stroke in port structure such as a madman, he had tracked up to the corridor of the infirmary, the had called and he was shot. He was sprinting between his arms, she had implored to wait for her that was still unsuitable for keepin' to the side, he knew only the acting, not his world, not the life out of the stage.
The couple had embraced still, strongly.Once again his arms the had accepted and had reassured.
only after he returned from only one at home and to reality. To the reality of the incident of Sakurakoji, to the reality of the show at risk without his Isshin, to the reality of his coldness toward him.
not believed that it was responsible, as it is sometimes felt herself. But then, he questioned himself,What could be the cause'
merely stared at him, while the boy received compliments from the other actors. With their maintained the attitude of always, and then the problem was she alone.
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