Sette anni… le farò del male… e lo farò a me… sono io quello adulto, i terjemahan - Sette anni… le farò del male… e lo farò a me… sono io quello adulto, i Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Sette anni… le farò del male… e lo

Sette anni… le farò del male… e lo farò a me… sono io quello adulto, io dovrei dirle che… ma Maya scacciò tutti i suoi dubbi quando strisciò le mani sui suoi addominali. Espirò tutto il fiato incapace di trattenere quel sospiro di piacere e lei alzò gli occhi, grandi e spalancati.

Gli piace… oh… gli piace… così, incoraggiata dal suo sguardo cristallino e ardente lasciò scorrere le mani intorno ai suoi fianchi e lungo la schiena, abbracciandolo teneramente. mmm… che meraviglia… è caldo e solido come una colonna...

Maya… mi stai facendo impazzire… sei tutto ciò che desidera il mio cuore ma…

L’abbracciò stretta avvolgendola con le sue braccia. Sentiva il suo respiro caldo e quando le sue labbra si appoggiarono sul pettorale stentò a reprimere un sospiro di approvazione. Maya lo trattenne con un braccio ma fece scivolare la mano destra contro il fianco, fin sulla coscia e iniziò a risalire…

Non voglio che mi guardi ora… ma io voglio sapere… com’è… come sia… non riusciva neanche a respirare tanto il cuore le batteva veloce ma quando lo sentì irrigidirsi si bloccò immediatamente con un sussulto.

- Lascia che io… - ma quando provò a scostarla lei tremò.

- N-no… non mi guardare per favore… - sussurrò balbettando e la sua insicurezza insita nella supplica lo riempì di tenerezza. Si teneva stretta a lui e il fatto che fosse così curiosa di toccarlo gli fece quasi perdere la ragione.

Le prese la mano e continuando a strisciarla lentamente sul tessuto della tuta la portò fino a coprire il suo membro eretto sotto il tessuto. Maya sospirò e lui rilasciò tutta la tensione a cui si era costretto, come se quel tocco fosse una liberazione. Mi sta toccando… come brucia la sua mano nella mia… la accompagnò avanti e indietro più volte, con calma, mentre la sentiva respirare veloce e avvertiva il martellare del suo cuore.

Maya trattenne il fiato quando sentì la sua mano guidarla. Sapeva di essere ridicola ma non le interessava, tutto quello che voleva in quell’istante era toccarlo nella sua parte più intima e quando finalmente lui ci arrivò e lo sentì rigido sotto la mano, spalancò gli occhi e sospirò.

Oh… ma quanto è… non riuscì neanche a finire il pensiero tanto era eccitata e sconvolta. Masumi fece salire e scendere la sua mano e da come gliela teneva stretta capì che gli piaceva e si stava trattenendo e sorrise. Si liberò gentilmente della sua stretta e continuò da sola. Era una delle cose più incredibili che avesse mai fatto nella sua vita. Chissà cosa prova… se è sconvolto quanto me… mi ribolle il sangue, lo sento correre veloce, e l’unica cosa che avverto è il calore della sua pelle e questa incredibile voglia di toccarlo…

Masumi le passava delicatamente le mani sulla schiena più per tenerle occupate e evitare di comportarsi come un lupo con un agnello, perché era ciò che si sentiva, ogni sua fibra gridava un contatto più profondo e intimo, ma lei lo teneva completamente in sua balia con quei movimenti incerti e curiosi. La baciò sul collo aumentando il piacere di entrambi, il suo profumo lo avvolgeva come una coperta e si sentiva inebriato e insicuro come un ragazzo.

Lasciò scivolare le mani sotto la camicia passandole sul pizzo che copriva i glutei piccoli e sodi e quando la sentì spingere con la mano sulla sua erezione il sangue gli schizzò nelle vene come lava. Maya…
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Seven years ... going to hurt ... and I will do it to me ... I'm an adult, I should tell you that ... but Maya drove all his doubts when he crawled on his hands. Exhaled breath all unable to retain that sigh of pleasure and she rolled her eyes, large and wide open.They like ... oh ... He likes ... so, encouraged by her crystal clear eyes and burning left hands slide around her hips and down the back, hugging him tenderly. mmm ... I wonder ... is hot and solid as a column ...Maya ... you're making me crazy ... you're all I want my heart but ...Hugged her tight wrapping it with his arms. She felt his warm breath and when his lips are supported on the breastplate struggled to repress a sigh of approval. Maya held him back with an arm but he slid his right hand against his side, right thigh and began to climb.I don't want you to look me now ... but I want to know ... how ... how ... couldn't even breathe so much her heart was beating fast, but when heard him stiffen stopped immediately with a gasp.-Let me ...-but when he tried to scostarla she trembled.-No-no, don't look at me please ...-whispered stuttering and its inherent insecurity in supplication filled with tenderness. It clung to him and the fact that it was so curious to touch him almost lose reason.He took her hand and continuing to slowly strisciarla the fabric of her suit to cover his erect Member under the fabric. Maya sighed and he released all the tension that had forced, as if the touch was a liberation. He's touching me ... as it burns her hand in my ... the accompanied him back and forth several times, quietly, while the breathing fast and felt warned the hammering of her heart.Maya she held her breath when she felt his hand guiding it. He knew he was being ridiculous but she didn't care, all I wanted at that moment was touching in its most intimate and when he finally arrived and felt under hard his hand, opened his eyes and sighed.Oh ... but how ... couldn't even finish the thought was so excited and upset. Masumi did hop on and off his hand and as I clung realized that he liked and he was holding and smiled. Broke kindly to its close and continued alone. Was one of the most amazing things I had ever done in his life. Who knows how he feels ... If you upset as me ... I simmers, I feel blood running fast, and the only thing I feel is the warmth of her skin and this incredible urge to touch it.Masumi the passed hands gently on your back more to keep them occupied and avoid behaving like a wolf with a lamb, because it was what he felt, every fiber shouted a more profound and intimate, but she kept him completely in his mercy with those movements uncertain and curious. He kissed her on the neck, increasing the pleasure of both, her perfume enveloped him like a blanket and felt intoxicated and insecure as a boy.Left slip your hands under shirt passing on lace that covered the small and firm buttocks, and when he heard push with hand on his erection blood squirted in my veins like lava. Maya ...
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Seven years ... I'll hurt ... and I'll do it to me ... I'm the one adult, I should tell you ... but Maya drove all his doubts when he crawled his hands on his stomach. Exhaled all the breath unable to hold back the sigh of pleasure and she rolled her eyes, large and wide. He likes ... oh ... like ... well, encouraged by his gaze crystal clear and ardent ran her hands around her waist and down his back , hugging him tenderly. mmm ... you wonder ... it is warm and solid as a column ... Maya ... you're making me crazy ... you're all I want, but my heart ... He hugged her tight by wrapping his arms. He felt her warm breath and when his lips leaned on the chest could scarcely suppress a sigh of approval. Maya held him with one arm but he slid his right hand against his side, on the right thigh and began to climb ... I do not want you looking at me now ... but I want to know ... how ... how ... could not even breathe much Her heart was beating fast but when I felt him stiffen immediately stopped with a jolt. - Let me ... - but when he tried to scostarla she shivered. - N-no ... I do not look please ... - whispered stammering and insecurity inherent in prayer filled him with tenderness. He kept close to him and the fact that she was so curious to touch it almost made ​​him lose his mind. He took her hand and continuing to slowly smear on the fabric of the suit brought it up to cover his erect member under the fabric. Maya sighed and he released all the tension to which it was forced, as if that touch was a liberation. Is touching me ... like burning his hand in mine ... he took her back and forth several times, calmly, while he felt breathe fast and felt the pounding of his heart. Maya gasped when she felt his hand ride. He knew he was ridiculous, but she did not care, all I wanted at that moment was touching in its most intimate and when he finally got there and heard him drive in his hand, opened his eyes and sighed. Oh ... but how ... He could not even finish the thought was so excited and upset. Masumi did get on and off his hand and clutching it to him as he realized that he liked and he was holding and smiled. Gently he broke free of his grasp and went on alone. It was one of the most amazing things I'd ever done in his life. Who knows what evidence ... if you upset me as much as I ... blood boils, I feel it run fast, and the only thing I feel is the warmth of his skin, and this incredible urge to touch it ... Masumi passed her hands gently on his back for more keeping them busy and avoid behaving like a wolf with a lamb, because it was what he felt, every fiber cried a deeper contact and intimate, but she held him completely at his mercy with those movements uncertain and curious. He kissed her on the neck increasing the pleasure of both its fragrance enveloped him like a blanket and felt intoxicated and insecure as a boy. She slid her hands under his shirt passing the lace that covered the buttocks small and firm and when he felt her push with his hand on his erection blood he spurted veins like lava. Maya ...

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
Seven years… the lighthouse of evil… and i will do to me… I am now the one adult, i should tell you that… but Maya drove all his doubts when scratch with his hands on his abdomen. Expiration all the breath unable to retain that sigh of pleasure and she lifted up her eyes, large and staring.

likes… oh… he likes…so,Encouraged by its crystalline gaze and ardent left slide hands around its sides and along the back, embracing tenderly. mmm… that wonder… is hot and solid as a column ...

Maya… i you're doing crazy… you're all that want to my heart but…

The embrace close by wrapping his arms.He felt her breath warm and when his lips they leaned upon the breastplate can hardly suppress a sigh of approval. Maya prevailed upon him with one arm but he slide the right hand against the side, since the thigh, and beginning to climb…

I would not want to look now… but i would like to know… how… how… could not even breathe as the heart beats fast, but when the feel harden you block immediately with a jolt.

- let me… - but when i try to scostarla she trembled.

- NO-no… i can't watch please… - whisper stammers and its uncertainty inherent in the supplication he filled it with tenderness. It took close to him and the fact that he was so curious to touch him he almost lose the reason.

and took her by the hand and continuing to strisciarla slowly on the fabric of the suit the harbor up to cover his state erected under the fabric.Maya sighed and he release all the tension which was forced, as if that touch was a liberation. I am touching… as burns his hand in my… accompanied her back and forth several times, with calm, while the felt breathe fast and warned the hammering of her heart.

Maya gasped when he felt his hand guide it.He knew to be ridiculous but not the wanted to see, all she wanted at that moment was touching it in its most intimate and when finally he arrival and feel it hard under the hand, opened his eyes and sigh.

Oh… but what is… not even managed to finish the thought was so excited and shocked.
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