Si mise in ginocchio e poi spostò lo sguardo su di lui che la osservav terjemahan - Si mise in ginocchio e poi spostò lo sguardo su di lui che la osservav Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Si mise in ginocchio e poi spostò l

Si mise in ginocchio e poi spostò lo sguardo su di lui che la osservava rapito. La tirò per un polso avvicinandola, le prese una mano gentilmente e l’abbracciò.

- Voglio che mi tocchi Maya, adesso - le sussurrò con voce roca che la fece tremare di piacere. Abbassò la mano e il suo palmo venne riempito quando lui chiuse le sue dita intorno. Lo sentì espirare e stringere l’altro braccio con cui l’abbracciava.

La sensazione era unica, non aveva mai toccato niente così, velluto e marmo, morbido e duro insieme, caldo e liscio. Le circondò la mano con la sua più grande e la guidò su e giù, lentamente, mentre lui respirava pesantemente ogni volta che lei scendeva.

Gli piace! E sono io! Io!!! E io… io… vorrei sprofondare di vergogna ma mi piace farlo stare bene così… e mi eccita toccarlo...

Si appoggiò con l’inguine ad un suo ginocchio per stare più comoda e dedicarsi a quella nuova incredibile cosa e Masumi avvertì il pizzo delle mutandine completamente bagnato e se avesse potuto essere più eccitato di così lo sarebbe stato…

No… è già una tortura così… una magnifica, stupenda tortura…

Spostò le mani sulle sue natiche afferrandole dolcemente e infilando i pollici nel tessuto e Maya continuò con quel movimento ritmico, sensuale e inesperto. Le baciava il collo, l’orecchio, la guancia, i capelli… qualsiasi cosa pur di distrarsi da quel supplizio. Era qualcosa che aveva sognato così tante volte… sapeva che era una follia… un’egoismo farle fare una cosa del genere ma lei era così calda e disponibile… oddio stava impazzendo…

Maya inconsapevolmente iniziò a muoversi avanti e indietro, lentamente.

Scivola, ma è fermo… con una mano sola non riesco…

- Stringi - le sussurrò nell’orecchio e lei obbedì arrossendo. Per fortuna non mi guarda in faccia… Strinse un po’ di più e continuò a muovere la mano su e giù. Masumi aveva il fiato corto e sentirlo così coinvolto le riempì il cuore di felicità.

- Stringi ancora - mormorò con voce roca - Maya obbedì in silenzio e chiuse le dita più strette intorno alla sua virilità lunga e dura. Che stupenda sensazione… come se potessi controllare ogni cosa di lui così…

Masumi strisciò le mani dentro il pizzo, afferrando le natiche sode e mordendole appena il collo.

Mi ha morso! E io… mi sento bruciare!

- Più veloce - la sua voce era così bassa che lo sentì appena. Maya eseguì ancora e quella cieca fiducia e obbedienza pur di dargli piacere gli fece sentire le prime contrazioni all’inguine. Le sue mani scattarono a fermarla e Maya quasi si spaventò.

- S-scusa… - balbettò spalancando gli occhi. Ma lui invece era estasiato, gli occhi azzurri brillavano eccitati e la sua bocca era piegata in un sorriso malizioso.

- Non sei tu… sono io… - le disse solo, la strinse a sé e la baciò con ardore, come volesse incatenarla. La distese e le tolse le mutandine di pizzo. Era impossibile che le avesse acquistate lei… probabilmente la sua amica Rei… Sorrise e la fissò mentre arrossiva imbarazzata ma non lo fermò e lo eccitò sapere che anche lei lo voleva. Si sdraiò accanto a lei su un fianco e la baciò di nuovo. Quante volte aveva sognato i suoi baci? E quante volte glieli aveva rubati? Era arrivato addirittura a soffiare nel fischietto dove lei aveva posato le labbra e non aveva resistito quando l’aveva morso interpretando la ragazza lupo. Sono proprio un folle...

Lei rispose al bacio in silenzio e con totale fiducia, abbandonandosi fra le sue braccia. Masumi lasciò scivolare una mano sul suo seno e sentì i capezzoli ancora duri, lei gemette fra le sue labbra, lui li strinse un po’, prima uno poi l’altro, e lei gemette di nuovo. Poi fece scendere la mano accarezzandole il ventre liscio e piatto, fino a incontrare di nuovo i suoi riccioli, farli passare fra le dita era magico… sì magico…

Maya gli passò una mano fra i capelli e li afferrò, il suo bacio si fece distratto e frettoloso. Masumi sorrise e lasciò scivolare le dita nel suo centro caldo e bagnato. E’ mia… solo mia… nessuno l’avrà mai… nessuno la dovrà toccare mai… tranne me…

Affondò un dito dentro fino a incontrare l’ostacolo, ma era così eccitata che ne infilò subito un altro. Quando iniziò a muoverli delicatamente Maya rispose muovendosi a sua volta e iniziò a baciargli la faccia, baci piccoli, veloci, teneva gli occhi chiusi stretti e aveva il respiro veloce.

Se non fa qualcosa io… io lo potrei uccidere…

Si inarcò e lui la coprì con il suo corpo. Era appoggiato sui gomiti e la fissava. Mamma mia se era bello… bellissimo, soprattutto ora, diverso da come era fuori e si accorse che stava guardando il Masumi dietro la maschera. Le passò le mani fra i capelli e sentire il suo peso sopra invece che spaventarla la rassicurò, come ogni volta in cui l’aveva stretta a sé.

Maya gli fece spazio felice che in quel frangente l’altezza non influisse in alcun modo. Lo abbracciò godendo immensamente di quel momento così intimo, in cui si guardavano e basta, negli occhi, dentro l’anima. Maya e Masumi. Niente altro.

- Un’anima in due corpi - sussurrò lei e lui annuì, incapace di rispondere, completamente abbagliato da lei inondata dal sole dell’alba.

Insinuò una mano fino al suo fulcro massaggiandolo lentamente e diresse la sua virilità dentro di lei, appena. Lei non era spaventata, avrebbe detto incuriosita, si chinò e la baciò mentre la toccava ed entrava dentro di lei. La sentì irrigidirsi quando la barriera cedette ma invece di fermarsi continuò a strusciare il nodo bollente e lei s’inarcò gemendo, trasformando il dolore in piacere.

Spinse avanti e indietro con decisione ma delicatamente e si rese conto di essere così vicino… dove sono qui i miei undici anni di differenza se può ridurmi così?

Maya gli piantò le unghie nella schiena e gemette di nuovo. Chiedeva di più, voleva di più, e anche lui così tolse la mano e aumentò il ritmo lasciandosi completamente andare, svuotando la mente e riempiendola solo di lei, del suo odore, del suo calore, dei suoi gemiti di piacere che lo facevano impazzire.

Appena Masumi entrò dentro di lei avvertì una fitta di dolore ma lui la baciava e quelle sue dita… la facevano morire… Sentirlo dentro in quel modo le sembrò davvero di riunire le due anime, sentiva le lacrime affiorare e non sapeva perché… Non era il primo orgasmo ma sarebbe stato diverso da ogni altro, lo sentiva, era sordo adesso, ma presto sarebbe esploso prepotente e come una scossa l’avrebbe attraversata. Assecondò il suo movimento che ora era deciso e forte e lei non avrebbe voluto niente di diverso.

- Per favore… per favore… - sussurrò disperata e lui spinse ancora soggiogato da quel richiamo implorante.

E quando Maya gridò inarcandosi e tenendolo stretto fu l’emozione che gli fece raggiungere il piacere insieme a lei. Gridò ancora mentre lui continuava a spingere e i suoi gemiti rochi e la sua rigidità le dissero che stava venendo anche lui. E’ dentro di me… E’ mio… solo mio…
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
He went to his knees and then shifted her gaze on him that he watched her kidnapped. Pulled her closer to his wrist, took a hand and hugged her gently.-I want you to touch me Maya, now-the whispered hoarsely that shook with pleasure. He lowered his hand and his Palm was filled when he closed his fingers around. Heard him exhale and tighten the other arm with which encompassed.The feeling was unique, had never touched anything so, velvet and marble, soft and hard together, warm and smooth. The surrounded the hand with his biggest and drove up and down, slowly, as he breathed heavily every time she went down.He likes! And it's me! I!!! And I ... I ... I would sink to shame but I like him fine ... it turns me on touch ...Leaned with his groin to his knees to stay more comfortable and devote himself to the new incredible thing and Masumi warned the lace panties all wet and if he could be more excited than this would be ...No ... it is already a torture so ... a wonderful, wonderful torture ...Moved the hands on his buttocks by gently and putting your thumbs into the tissue and Maya continued with that rhythmic, sensual and inexperienced. The kissing my neck, ear, cheek, hair ... anything to distract from that torture. It was something he had dreamed about so many times ... knew it was crazy ... a selfishness to make them do something like this but she was so hot and available, God was going crazy ...Maya unknowingly began to move back and forth, slowly.Slips, but still ... single-handed I can not ... -Squeeze-whispered in her ear and she obeyed, blushing. Luckily I do not look at me ... He became a bit more and continued to move the hand up and down. Masumi had shortness of breath and hear him so involved the heart filled with happiness.-Tighten again-he muttered hoarsely-Maya obeyed in silence and closed my fingers around her tighter manhood long and hard. That wonderful feeling ... like I could check every thing about him so ...Masumi crept hands inside the lace, grabbing her buttocks and mordendole just the neck.He bit me! And I'm burning!-Faster-her voice was so low that hardly heard him. Maya performed again and the blind trust and obedience in order to give him the pleasure felt the first contractions in the groin. His hands took to stop her and Maya nearly got frightened.-S-sorry ...-gasped opening his eyes. But he was ecstatic, blue eyes sparkled and her horny mouth was folded into a mischievous smile.-It's not you ... it's me ...-the only said, he hugged and kissed her passionately, as you would chain her. The stretches and removed the lace panties. It was impossible that he buy you ... probably her friend Rei ... Smiled and stared at her while he blushed embarrassed but did not stop him and excited to know that she wanted. He lay down next to her on her side and kissed her again. How many times had dreamed her kisses? And how many times had them stolen? It got even blow into the whistle where she had laid her lips and had not resisted when he, interpreting the Wolf girl bite. I'm such a fool ...She responded to the kiss in silence and with total confidence, indulging in his arms. Masumi left slip one hand on her breast and felt her nipples hard again, she moaned between her lips, he shook a little, first one then the other, and she moaned again. Then get off the hand stroking her smooth belly and flat, until you meet her curls again, pass them between his fingers was magical ... magical ...Maya through a hand in my hair and grabbed them, her Kiss became distracted and hasty. Masumi smiled and let him slide his fingers in her hot and wet Center. It's my ... my ... nobody will ever have ... nobody will ever touch ... except me.Sank a finger inside until it meets the obstacle, but was so excited that he poked for another. When he began to move gently Maya replied moving in turn and began to kiss her face, kissing tiny, fast, kept his eyes closed tight and had breathing fast.If there is something I could kill him ... He bowed and he covered it with his body. Was leaning on the elbows and stared at her. If my mom was nice ... beautiful, especially now, different from how it was out and realized that he was watching the Masumi behind the mask. The passed hands through your hair and feel his weight on it rather than scare her reassured her, as every time he had to hold himself.Maya made him happy space that at this juncture the height did not break in any way. Hugged him enjoying immensely by that time so intimate, in which they looked at it, in my eyes, in the soul. Masumi and Maya. Nothing else.-One soul in two bodies-she whispered and he nodded, unable to respond, completely dazzled by her Sun-drenched sunrise.A hand crept up her core slowly massaging it and directed his manhood inside her, barely. She wasn't scared, he said intrigued, leaned over and kissed her while touching and came inside her. He heard her stiffen when the barrier relented but instead of stopping he continued to agitate boiling the knot and she arched moaning, turning pain into pleasure.He pushed forward and back firmly but gently and realized that he was so close ... where are my eleven years of difference if he can do so?Maya planted nails in his back and groaned again. Plus, he wanted more, and so he removed his hand and increased the pace leaving completely go, emptying the mind and just filling her, her scent, her warmth, her moans of pleasure that made him crazy.Just Masumi went inside her felt a twinge of pain but he kissed her and her fingers ... make it die ... Hear it in that way really seemed to bring together the two souls, felt tears out and did not know why ... It was not the first orgasm but it would have been unlike any other, I felt, was deaf now, but soon it would explode like a bully and would shock crossed. Seconded his motion that now he was determined and strong and she wouldn't want anything different.Please ... Please ...-whispered desperate and he pushed again subjugated by that recall imploringly.And when Maya cried and holding it tight bending was the emotion that made him reach the pleasure with her. She cried again as he kept pushing and her moans and her rigidity rochi told her she was coming too. It's inside me. .. It's my ... my only ...
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
He knelt down and then glanced about him watching her kidnapped. He pulled her by the wrist and bring it closer, took her hand and gently hugged her. - I want you to touch me Maya, now - he whispered hoarsely that made ​​her tremble with pleasure. He lowered his hand and his palm was filled when he closed his fingers around. She heard him exhale and tighten the other arm with which embraced. The feeling was unique, had never touched anything so, velvet and marble, soft and hard together, warm and smooth. She circled her hand with his biggest and drove up and down, slowly, as he breathed heavily every time she went down. They like it! It's me! I!!! And I ... I ... I want to sink with shame but I like to make him feel good so ... and excites me touch him ... He leaned his groin to his knee to be more comfortable and devote himself to the new amazing thing and Masumi felt the lace panties completely wet and had he been more excited than that it would be ... No ... it is a torture so ... magnificent, splendid torture ... He moved his hands on her buttocks gently gripping and tucking his thumbs into the tissue and Maya he continued with that rhythmic movement, sensual and inexperienced. He kissed her neck, her ear, her cheek, her hair ... anything to distract from that torture. It was something I had dreamed of so many times ... he knew it was madness ... un'egoismo her to do such a thing, but she was so warm and friendly ... oh God was going crazy ... Maya unconsciously began to move back and forth, slowly. He slips, but is stopped ... with one hand I can not ... - Shake - whispered in her ear and she obeyed, blushing. Fortunately I do not look at your face ... He shook a little 'more, and continued to move his hand up and down. Masumi was short of breath and feel so involved filled her heart with happiness. - Tighten again - muttered hoarsely - Maya obeyed in silence and closed his fingers tighter around his manhood long hard. What a wonderful feeling ... like I could control everything about him so ... Masumi crawled hands inside the lace, grabbing the buttocks and biting just the neck. He bit me! And I ... I'm burning! - Faster - his voice was so low that I barely heard. Maya performed again and the blind faith and obedience in order to please him made ​​him feel the first contractions groin. His hands shot to stop her and Maya almost frightened. - S-sorry ... - stammered his eyes widening. But instead he was ecstatic, excited blue eyes sparkled and her mouth was folded into a mischievous smile. - It's not you ... it's me ... - he said only, hugged her and kissed her passionately, as if to chain her. The he stretched and removed her lace panties. It was impossible that he had bought her ... probably her friend Rei ... He smiled and stared at her as she blushed embarrassed but did not stop him and excited him to know that she wanted him. He lay down next to her on her side and kissed her again. How many times had he dreamed of his kisses? And how many times had stolen them to him? He had come even to blow the whistle where she had placed her lips and did not resist when he had bitten interpreting the wolf girl. I'm just a fool ... She returned the kiss in silence and with total confidence, abandoning herself into his arms. Masumi slid a hand on her breast and felt her nipples still hard, she moaned into his lips, he shook them a bit ', first one then the other, and she moaned again. Then He revealed the hand caressing her belly smooth and flat, to meet again her curls, let them pass through his fingers was magical ... so magical ... Maya ran her hand through her ​​hair and grabbed her, his kiss became distracted and hasty. Masumi smiled and slid his fingers in his heart warm and wet. And 'my ... my only ... no one will ever ... no one will ever touch ... except me ... He sank a finger inside until it meets the obstacle, but she was so excited that he immediately put another. When he began to move them gently moving Maya replied in turn and began to kiss his face, kisses small, fast, kept his eyes shut tight and his breathing was fast. If I do not do something ... I could kill ... She arched and he He covered her with his body. He was leaning on his elbows and stared at her. My mom if it was beautiful ... beautiful, especially now, different from what was out and he realized he was looking at the Masumi behind the mask. He ran his hands through his hair and feel his weight on top instead of scare assured, as every time he'd hugged her. Maya gave him space happy that at this juncture the height did not affect in any way. She hugged him immensely enjoying this moment so intimate, they looked just, in the eye, inside the soul. Maya and Masumi. Nothing else. - A soul in two bodies - she whispered and he nodded, unable to answer, completely dazzled by her sun-drenched dawn. insinuated a hand up to his heart and walked slowly massaging his manhood into her, as soon as. She was not scared, he said curiously, he bent down and kissed her and touched her and entered into her. He felt her stiffen when the barrier gave way, but instead of stopping continued to rub the knot hot and she arched moaning, turning pain into pleasure. She pushed back and forth firmly but gently and he realized he was so close ... where are here my eleven years of difference if you can bring me so? Maya smote her nails into his back and moaned again. He demanded more, wanted more, and so he took his hand and raised the pace letting go completely, emptying the mind and filling only her, his smell, his warmth, his moans of pleasure that drove him crazy. Masumi just stepped inside her felt a twinge of pain but he kissed his fingers and those ... made ​​her die ... To hear him in that way it seemed really to bring together the two souls, felt the tears emerge and did not know why ... It was not the first orgasm but he was unlike any other, he felt, was deaf now, but soon would explode like a bully and shock would have crossed. She seconded his motion and decided that now was strong and she would not have wanted anything different. - Please ... please ... - whispered desperate and he went even subjugated by pleading that call. And when Maya screamed arching and holding it was the ' emotion that made ​​him reach the pleasure with her. He shouted again as he continued to push and his hoarse groans and stiffness told her that he was coming. And 'inside me ... It' just my ... my ...

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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
They went on knee and then moved her gaze on him that the observed kidnapped. The shooting range for a wrist closer, and took a hand gently and the embrace.

- I want that touches me Maya, now - the whispered hoarsely that made her tremble with pleasure. Down with his hand and his palm was filled when he closed his fingers around.Feel it breathe out and tighten the other arm with which the embraced.

The feeling was single, had never touched anything so, velvet and marble, soft and hard together, warm and smooth. The surrounded the hand with its largest and guido on and down, slowly, while he breathed heavily every time she descended.

likes! AND i am! I!And i… i… i would sink of shame, but I am pleased to do this to stay well… and me hyped touch ...

resting with the groin to a his knee to stay more comfortable and dedicate themselves to that incredible new thing and Masumi warn the lace briefs completely wet and if could have been more excited about so it would have done…

No… is already a torture so… a magnificent,
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